The psychopathic doctor strikes

Apr 18, 2010 21:57

Characters: Phoenix [open]
Location: Deck 9, starts at the Black Pearl Restaraunt
Date: present
Rating: PG13

Despite the insanity that seemed to have gripped the ship, despite the injury to his leg, Phoenix still needed to eat. Unfortunately, even though he'd managed to avoid all of the other hazards, it was the restaurant that was his downfall. Movement flashed in the corner of his eye, but even as he turned to face it-




Then nothing. Nothing until he awoke.

After only a moment of stillness, Phoenix lifted himself up off the floor, completely unaware of the tiny jewel that had been planted between his eyes. Ignoring the pain in his leg, he set off, a nameless urge inside him that needed to be fulfilled. And to do that...

He needed to find people first.

[ooc: Phoenix will attack anyone who he happens to come across.]

lily, phoenix

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