The warning before the storm

Mar 01, 2010 21:25

Characters: Phoenix and Damas
Where: The library
When: After this - backdated to Feb. 28.
Rating: PG

Phoenix had been visiting the library a good deal more frequently of late. )

damas by katu, phoenix

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survivorking March 2 2010, 03:44:00 UTC
He decision to warn the others of Ganondorf's plan-- or what the suspected his plan was-- had come swiftly. What made it troublesome was the need for stealth; the need to maintain comm silence was imperative to possibly saving some lives. Damas left Jak's room in search of Phoenix and Ironhide.

After some time, he finally wound up in the library, in hopes of finding either of them, or someone who could point him in the correct direction.

"Phoenix." It wasn't quite a shout, but louder than anyone should have been in a library.


ecopiracy March 2 2010, 03:49:53 UTC
Phoenix looked up from his book, lifting an eyebrow for a moment before recognition dawned. He'd met the other man once before, though at the time they'd both been human. Still, Damas' features are distinctive enough, and his voice is still the same.

"Damas." In contrast, his voice is moderate, more appropriate for the setting, as well as even and neutral. Why would Damas be approaching him?

Only one way to find out. "Is there something I can help you with?"


survivorking March 2 2010, 03:53:33 UTC
"I have come to give you warning." Damas did not want to waste words. "Jak has been attacked. We have reason to believe you could be attacked as well."


ecopiracy March 2 2010, 03:56:19 UTC
"Hmm." Phoenix pursed his lips at the announcement, then closed his book and pressed his fingers together. "Ganondorf, I assume?"

Why was he not surprised?


survivorking March 2 2010, 04:02:42 UTC
"Indeed." His frown deepened. "I am unsure myself of how you can take up arms against him to protect yourself." If weapons were gone, though, how had they killed Ganondorf in the first place?


ecopiracy March 2 2010, 04:24:17 UTC
"I'm sure I can get my hands on a weapon of some kind or another," Phoenix said. "But I doubt it will do me much good if he manages to corner me. No, my best chances lie in avoiding the man, or using strategy."

He offers Damas a tilted smile. "Beyond that, I suppose the best I can do is give him a fight he won't soon forget."


survivorking March 2 2010, 04:29:05 UTC
The older elf shook his head solemnly. He could not imagine the whole situation ending anyway except badly. "I do not know him well enough to figure any strategy against him, however-- I can tell you that Jak's wounds are debilitating. I cannot be sure if he intended to kill him, or simply to wound him badly enough so he would not fight back for some time."


ecopiracy March 2 2010, 05:51:04 UTC
Nor could Phoenix, if he was honest. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes for a moment as he considered what that meant. There was a very good chance that he would soon die at Ganondorf's hands. The system might catch him, but it might not. There was no guarantee.

How did he feel about that?

"I knew there were risks to my actions," he said slowly, half to Damas, half to himself. "Regardless of what happens, I do not regret what I did. I assume the same is true for the others. They all seemed fully cognizant of what I was asking and the consequences that might result."

He paused then, for a heartbeat or two, then glanced at Damas sidelong. "Jak is... recovering?"

The neutral tone to his voice was back.


survivorking March 2 2010, 21:44:29 UTC
The king's tension eased. Where had he heard this tone of voice before? It was not quite that of a man awaiting execution.

Damas gaze became more distant as he spoke. "Recovering is a word for it, yes. He was treated at the infirmary... I believe he is attempting to sleep through the pain." He wants to be at Jak's side. Worry shows in his eyes, but he keeps it off his face, for now.


ecopiracy March 3 2010, 00:26:07 UTC
Phoenix wasn't awaiting execution, exactly, but yes, he acknowledged the possibility of his death. He didn't want to die, of course, and he would fight tooth and nail if Ganondorf came after him, but if the worst happened...

I do not fear death when the reward it might bring is worth it. That was what he had said to the man, and he'd meant it. He thought for a moment, then nodded to himself.

Yes, this had been something that was worth his death.

Turning his attention back to the conversation, Phoenix studied Damas' face. There was something in the man's eyes, something he was trying not to show. What was it?

"As tenacious and headstrong as Jak is, I doubt he'll let this keep him down for long. But then, I suspect you know that already." Damas' relationship to Jak was still something of a mystery to him. Jak was supposed to be the Wasteland king's warrior, but apparently Jak was his ancestor, too. Phoenix had no idea how that might influence things, or how exactly the two saw each other.

So, then. What would Damas say about Jak?


survivorking March 3 2010, 01:37:57 UTC
"Indeed, I do." He said, his voice dropping. Damas could not really be sure, though, how long these wounds would take to heal. On a normal man, the time would be weeks at the very least. "As I told him myself, survival seems to be a trait of our bloodline."


ecopiracy March 3 2010, 01:53:09 UTC
Phoenix gave Damas a piercing look. "He is related to you, then." Yes, Razer had told him this, and he was generally inclined to believe the man, but it was somewhat different to hear it confirmed by one of the two involved.


survivorking March 3 2010, 03:28:31 UTC
The older elf paused for a minute. Razer had talked about that on a public frequency, hadn't he? "Jak is my son." Damas confirmed with a slow nod.


ecopiracy March 3 2010, 03:33:47 UTC


Phoenix's jaw actually dropped as he stared at the man nonplussed. "Your son?" he echoed incredulously. "How can that be possible if he originated the entire house you're from?"


survivorking March 3 2010, 03:44:03 UTC
Damas was amused if nothing else. He raised a brow. "My son, as I knew him, was stolen from me. He was sent back into the past. He grew up, and was transported by some trick of fate back to the time I'm from, give or take a few years."

He paused. "You will have to forgive me as I find it rather convoluted, myself."


ecopiracy March 3 2010, 03:54:24 UTC
Phoenix was silent for a moment as he let that all sink in. Time travel. It gave him a headache trying to wrap his mind around all the complications that would inevitably come from that. Phoenix passed a hand over his face, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"...maybe he adopted children." That thought hurt less than trying to imagine that Jak was somehow his own ancestor in the past. "And if that isn't the case, I'm not certain I want to know. Precursors."


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