→ See me grow wings and fly high.

Nov 19, 2009 13:36

Cast: Sheik (oblique_wisdom), Zeke (thenotmagician), and later Her Majesty Zelda (scionofwisdom)
Location: Sergei's Bar and Grille
Date: November 19 - Evening / Night
Rating: G/PG (Shouldn't be anything to worry about ( Read more... )

sheik, zelda, zeke

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thenotmagician November 19 2009, 22:34:42 UTC
Zeke is certainly there, Sheik. There's plenty of cooking noises coming from the kitchen. He's been going crazy the last two days in preparation for this celebration or whatever it was. Plenty of good food is needed for a good celebration!

Everything was aaaaalmost done and he'd just put some pastries in the oven when he heard Sheik. Jeez, that time already. Zeke grabbed a towel and wiped off his hands before sticking his head out the kitchen doorway.

"Sure am!"


oblique_wisdom November 19 2009, 22:44:13 UTC
So that was what he looked like. He was taller, but that was to be expected. Sheik didn't grow many inches in transformation, and held responsibility a lot to his other half for that.

He closed the door behind him, brushed himself off, and gave a very halfhearted wave in Sheik's direction. "I'm here when I said I'd be here. Is everything coming along well?"

What else was he supposed to ask? Sheik wasn't such a cooker, but he had helped Hazar a little with that cake. Maybe he could help out somewhere. He wasn't good at the idly standing by nonsense.


thenotmagician November 19 2009, 22:58:01 UTC
"Yeup, everything's goin' great! Almost have it all done." He turned for a moment to throw the towel into an empty sink. Score!

"Kitchen's kinda a mess, but I figured y'really wouldn't be in the kitchen all that much. Hope it's alright." Because Zeke really hates cleaning. It's the only thing he doesn't like about cooking. Besides making salads, of course.

"Put some decorations up around the table area, though. Hope y'like it." It wasn't really a lot. He'd been too busy cooking to worry about the whole decorating thing. But the streamers and sparkly spiny things look nice, right?


oblique_wisdom November 19 2009, 23:06:31 UTC
Sheik took a look around. He'd been past Sergei's a few times before, but had never actually tried to peer inside. He'd done that with many places aboard, however. He certainly had his places he preferred to be in, and public places weren't one of them. He liked the shadows and liked avoiding the attention.

He glanced toward the kitchen, which was where he anticipated Zeke was working or trying to finish things; something like that. Then he peered to the table that he'd reserved for him and Zelda. It did look nice. Worthy of a princess. Worthy of a queen. Worthy of her, and there didn't seem to be many things that were.

"It looks nice," he managed to reply. Normally gratitude would have come next, but Sheik had never been very good at the whole... thanking thing.


thenotmagician November 20 2009, 00:25:29 UTC
"Glad ya think so. Coulda put more effort into it, but food's more important, am I right?" Zeke grinned and finally exited his kitchen, quite content with himself. He'd bring out the food later, after he set everything up all fancy, of course. His 'customers' deserved only perfection. Or else they wouldn't come back, and he'd end up cooking food for no one. That wasn't something he really wanted.

"Got some Eclairs baking in the oven. Once they're done, we'll be all set." Zeke feels very triumphant. If only he could sit around and cook all day back home. Not having to pay bills is pretty awesome, man. Or taxes for that matter. ...Say, Sheik looks familiar somehow, but he's sure he's never seen this guy anywhere before. Huh.


oblique_wisdom November 20 2009, 01:50:19 UTC
He didn't know about that. In those nights on the desert sand, he didn't really care what he was eating or what it tasted like. Eating anything was fine, and that was him wondering if he really was hungry, or if it was an artificial feeling for an artificial being.

Sheik turned to look over Zeke and for a moment simply stared. It was more for the princess's benefit than his, but it was the first time he was really getting to see him. "I'm not adept in the form of food, but she has a high opinion of you, so I'm expecting you to live up to what she believes."

No pressure there. Not at all, Zeke.


thenotmagician November 20 2009, 02:08:54 UTC
"Who, Zelda?" Zeke just smiles and nods his head. Don't worry, he doesn't feel pressure in the slightest, because he's just going to be himself. You'll receive Zeke at his ultimate Zeke-ness, Sheik!

"Well 's nice ta know she thinks that way. She's a sweet kid, y'know?" He rubbed his hands together and set some nice, pretty silverware on the table. "I only serve quality. Think she'll be a fine cook one day herself." There, table is perfectly set!


oblique_wisdom November 20 2009, 02:13:06 UTC
"Yes," Sheik confirmed. "Princess Zelda, not to be confused with Her Majesty Zelda, who will be the one attending tonight." Was that not the most convoluted mess ever? Sheik had an interest in the granddaughter of his other half. More than convoluted, it was on the border of socially controversial.

"I suppose she is, yes. She means well, at any rate." Although most of Zelda's attempts had ended in vain. She was experiencing more than enough of that in the recent times. "The food appears to be more than satisfactory. I'm curious to know as to what the beverage will be. What would you recommend?"


thenotmagician November 20 2009, 02:37:57 UTC
...Oh crap, Zeke forgot about drinks. They are his one weakness. Drinkable things are another matter entirely! He pauses as he considers this. Hmm.

"Guess wine'll do. Normally Remy takes care'a the drinks, but seeing he isn't here..." Zeke takes a moment to walk over to the bar and starts raiding through it, grabbing a random bottle of wine.

"This'll do, I think."


oblique_wisdom November 20 2009, 02:49:21 UTC
Sheik didn't know anything about wine. He didn't drink it on a regular basis. He didn't have it often at all. In fact, how many times had he even traipsed in that direction? Once or twice when he was looking out the corner of his eye for those two hags under Ganondorf's rule.

"As long as it's something appropriate for her. This isn't exactly my expertise. I have other things to do than to set up dinners for young ladies. This particular situation, however, calls for it. It's imperative that it be well-received and appropriate for Zelda," he explained, somewhat off in his own world.


thenotmagician November 20 2009, 02:54:15 UTC
Zeke also doesn't know anything about wine, besides the stuff he uses to cook with occasionally. But, you know, cooking only. He prefers beer. Also the whole two-Zelda's thing is going to confuse him to no end one day. He just knows it.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Always serve this stuff at those fancy French and Italian places, so it's bound to be good."


oblique_wisdom November 20 2009, 03:00:23 UTC
"I'll trust you with it then."

He paused for a moment. This was all well and good, but this wasn't his forte at all. "What do those at a dinner of such a caliber do afterward?" If Zeke was going to be used for anything, it'd be for making Sheik look better, because then he'd at least have an idea of what to do.

When he thought about it, it sounded like something Zelda would have asked in her days of being spring happy in love with the damned Havenite.


thenotmagician November 20 2009, 03:09:19 UTC
Zeke isn't exactly a high-class guy. Trying to get advice about these things isn't the best choice. But he'll try!

"Guess... sit around and have a conversation." Wow Zeke, you can do better than that. "Go somewhere else fancy. Dancing or a movie. I dunno." He's clueless, Sheik. Sorry.


oblique_wisdom November 20 2009, 03:13:43 UTC
"Does such a thing exist upon this ship?" That dancing or movie that Zeke had mentioned. Sheik doesn't know anything about that sort of thing either. Maybe a walk across the ship wouldn't be a bad idea.

And on a sentimental note, Her Majesty probably wouldn't be against dancing in the moonlight. That wasn't really him, though. None of this was him. He was inching toward that uncomfortable line.

"I suppose that is enough. Your aid is appreciated. Is there anything else that needs to be done. She should be arriving soon."


thenotmagician November 20 2009, 03:25:46 UTC
"Nope. Everything's nice and dandy. Think I'll just pop back into the kitchen and make sure the eclairs don't burn and get those ready. Can't have burned pastries, now, can we?" Zeke sets the bottle of wine down on the table and heads toward the kitchen!


oblique_wisdom November 20 2009, 03:31:37 UTC
Not that he really knew what pastries were. He sounded like something he'd heard before, though, and he concluded that it was like baked goods. Sheik found himself on his own, staring at the door, trying to play the evening through his head, and doing a very poor job of it.


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