A Clever Title Goes Here

Oct 21, 2009 11:03

Characters: Blurr (tldriving), Mikaela (chopshopgoddess); closed for now.
Location: Snooping around on Deck 11, then back up to Deck 4!
Date: Present
Rating: PG for mild descriptions of unpleasant things?

Blurr hadn't been hoping for much from it, honestly, but the so-called Information Desk for this ship was exceedingly unhelpful. There were brochures on the ship, but they didn't give him much useful information, and he wasn't sure he could take it at face value, anyway. Whatever this had been at some point in the past, Primus only knew how long ago, it certainly wasn't a pleasure cruise now.

Anything learned about the ship would obviously have to come from the other passengers, possibly the crew, and from doing a little research of his own. There were several things he had heard that would be worth looking into eventually, but for the moment --

For the moment, one deck down was on fire. From some of the things he'd heard on the comms, this seemed to be the deck on which the Decepticons were stationed; it would be best if he could figure out where exactly they were, to keep track of them. Of course, he had no doubt there could be trouble if he were noticed, but he was confident in his ability to scout out the area and to cut and run if it became necessary. Without their weapons, they hardly posed a threat, as long as he kept his guard up.

It was hard for a car, even a small one, to be stealthy when rolling down the halls of a boat. Blurr was attempting it anyway, even though he knew the disguise was pointless; he was used to conducting undercover work in race car form.

mikaela, blurr

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