Characters: Little Link
threedaystime, Midna
wheres_my_puppy, and maybe big Link when Egg gets on...?
Location: Deck 15 caves
Date: pre-event cracktiems window!
Rating: Let's go with PG-13 for raunchy Midna fun.
[These pools are certainly perplexing. Link wants to dive all the way to the bottom - sink down and sit in the black darkness at the bottom and stare up at the beautiful pattern of the water's surface above. It amazes him, and calms the spirit of Mikau inside his head. But no matter how he tries, he can't get to the bottom - something is stopping him.
At least his efforts to swim down were good exercise. Giving up, he heads back up. As he breaks the surface, he forces the water in his lungs out through the gills in his sides, and takes a deep breath of air instead.
It's cool and damp in these caves, like an ideal Zora cove, and he can't help but smile as he pulls himself up onto a nearby rock. The only way it could be better is if there were fish Hylian loaches to eat.]