shadesofeco (Jak) and
meinxxherz (Herz), CLOSED
Location: The forest on Deck 3
Date: Present
Rating: PG, maybe PG-13 for the potty-mouths
...This ship had a forest.
Why was he surprised the crazy-ass, evil ship had a forest? Well, maybe besides the fact it didn't seem very evil. The forest, that is. But nothing did. On the ship.
But that was a common trope. The nicer something appeared, the more likely it was hiding a sinister underbelly teaming with, y'know, evil things. At times it put Herz on edge because he knew--he could just tell--something wasn't right here. And it would be wrong and even dangerous for him to get comfortable.
...and then he found things like the library--and even this forest--and he'd try and think bad things and convince himself there was something oh-so-wrong with the oh-so-awesome that was...wherever he was. It didn't always work. Usually it didn't work. Especially not with the library, and now, with the forest.
It's a cool forest.
But...maybe he should be more cautious as he wanders about it.