
Dec 11, 2008 18:17

Characters: Momotaros sw0rdform and Urataros r0dform [open to those who wish to watch this epic faito.]
Location: Deck 7 hallway
Date: Backdated to a bit after Urataros' arrival.
Rating: G-PG-13 for fighting and Momo's foul mouth.

[I'll turn you into canned peaches.] )

urataros, momotaros

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Momo is totes gay for Ryoutarou =| sw0rdform December 13 2008, 02:24:41 UTC
Momotaros thought that this hellboat couldn't get any worse. Although he was a lover for fighting and wanted to pick a fight with someone, he actually managed to behave himself these past couple of weeks. He also didn't want to deal with what the others were fighting about. I mean, come on, they were KILLING each other for God's sake. Plus, there was also the lack of Naomi's awesome one-of-a-kind coffee and purin. That really made him pissy, but he held in his annoyance (for so long too; he managed to surprise himself). He was obviously getting lazy... he hated it.

As he had thought earlier, this boat couldn't get any worse. Then, oh God then, Urataros had arrived.

Don't get me wrong, he really enjoyed seeing a familiar face on this damn boat, even if it was the skebekame's. But goddammit, he really went too far with the lies, especially one as far fetched as that one. There's no way that Ryoutarou could have quit; he still needed more training. Even though Kai disappeared, he and the other five didn't. What if there were enemy imagin like them, who managed to survive from being erased? He still needed to be ready!

Besides, Ryoutarou couldn't quit unless he was there to argue about it. And he damn well didn't see OR hear Ryoutarou say, "Here's the belt; I quit."

Getting annoyed at the stare-off, Momo swung his fist towards the turtle. Mess with Ryoutarou, even if it was a lie about him, and you mess with his imagin. His ORIGINAL imagin, even if it was one of his "comrades".


Totes. =| r0dform December 13 2008, 03:00:04 UTC
Urataros really wished he didn't have to fight, but it had been a while since they had. And without Hana-san... This could go on for a while~ He ducked out of the way of the punch, rather good at evading things, since he is a cowardly turtle. In response, he tried to kick the empty headed peach. If that didn't work, he'd try to grab him.


sw0rdform December 13 2008, 23:57:45 UTC
If it was one thing that Momotaros wasn't good at as much as Urataros, it was dodging. Which meant that obviously, that kick managed to hit him square in the gut. He grunted but easily recovered and grabbed one of the decorative sidetables, throwing off whatever was on it and swinging it towards the turtle imagin. No one said anything about playing fair; no one was around anyways~.


r0dform December 14 2008, 00:24:45 UTC
He gasped, leaping up onto another decorative sidetable before sitting on his rearend, trying to use both feet as a way to block the table.

"Mou, you're really persistant!"


sw0rdform December 14 2008, 16:13:52 UTC
He took a step back, tossing the table back and forth with a somewhat insane smirk on his face. "Heh. What can I say, didn't have alot t' vent off'a while y'were gone!"

No other word was spoken; with a shout, he attempted to grab the turtle and swing the table at him again. Who cares if he broke his leg or something? He's mad at Urataros for lying to him ABOUT RYOUTAROU and is happy that he finally gets to vent off some more steam at the same time.


r0dform December 14 2008, 20:23:50 UTC
Once grabbed, Urataros grunts, sheltering his head from the blow of the table... When he gets an idea. He points off in the distance, "Senpai!! Hana-chan is--!"


sw0rdform December 16 2008, 22:12:35 UTC
He was just about to land his blow; the table was already high in the air, ready to crash onto that damn turtle's head... when he saw Urataros pointing at something behind him. Or more like someone.

Th-the stinky-flower girl?!

Momotaros quickly turned his head, hoping to whatever higher force that she really wasn't behind him. The poor peach never saw it coming.


r0dform December 16 2008, 22:32:13 UTC

Urataros moved quickly, jumping off the table and trying to trip his Senpai, at least that way the table would land on HIM and not Urataros.


sw0rdform December 16 2008, 22:50:53 UTC
And the trip was a success. Momotaros landed flat on his belly, with the table landing on his back. He let out a groan, before looking up at the other imagin, glaring daggers.



r0dform December 16 2008, 23:54:44 UTC
"Well said." Urataros nodded, stepping his foot on the table, pressing it harder on Momotaros.

"Now that you're just lying there, I think you should come to grips with reality, Senpai."


sw0rdform December 17 2008, 23:56:46 UTC
Momotaros grunted when the table was pressed harder on him. He hated this, being pinned underneath his opponent, he hated it with all of his sandy heart. That's where THEY were supposed to belong, goddammit!

Fuck... Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK...!

There. Is. No way. He. Was. Going. To. ADMIT. DEFEAT.

"OVER MY DEAD BODY." And he begins to struggle underneath the table, eventually freeing himself and trying a kick at the turtle.


r0dform December 18 2008, 01:50:49 UTC
"U-uwaah!" Urataros gasped, falling backwards when Momotaros freed himself. When he was being kicked at, the turtle imagin grabbed his foot, attempting to trip him up somehow.

"I'm not... lying this time, Senpai! This is the truth of the future!"


sw0rdform December 18 2008, 02:14:04 UTC
"I'VE HAD IT WITH YER DAMN LIES." And THAT was truth. Momotaros had enough with the lies, all lying about how Ryoutarou had quit Den-O... It was really pissing him off!

When Urataros had grabbed his foot, Momo lost balance a little, hopping around to regain his balance. He hopped a little closer and threw another punch at Urataros, aiming for that lying mouth...


r0dform December 18 2008, 04:18:27 UTC
A direct hit! Urataros gasped, kicking up one of his legs, trying to hit the empty headed peach. He rolled a bit, getting to his feet before trying to tackle him.

If Momotaros wasn't going to give in, then neither would he. There was no one else to stop them, either.


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