because you're mine

Dec 01, 2010 21:05

Characters: Maia, Harley, Jinx, Phoenix and later Ironhide and (maybe?) Anna.
Location: Library.
Date: Backdated to the 16th. Right after the end of this thread.
Warnings: Maia. Lots of Dark Eco, pain, and general unpleasantness. This isn't going to be a superhappyfuntimes log (unless you're Maia).

Won't you come sit with me? )

anna, maia, jinx, phoenix, harley, ironhide

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hesmypuddin December 2 2010, 02:25:46 UTC
Harley beams at the look of approval on Maia's face, even if it was just a smirk to anyone else. She understood the delicate differences on her Puddin's face, and the was what mattered!

She moves to where the coils of rope are, grabbing them while Jinx drags Phoenix across the threshold and into the library proper. She beams at him and skips over, smooching him on the cheek with a giggle of glee.

Is Harley having the time of her life? Hell yes she is! :D

She lets Jinxy do the man work, and waits until Phoenix has been hoisted into a library chair before moving in to secure his legs, arms and torso to the chair. Watching her, you just might think that she's done this before.

"Ahh .. just like the good ole days!" She swoons, jerking the final knot into place. She leans in over Phoenix's shoulder from behind, smooching his cheek and leaving a lingering black lipstick print. "Ya gonna love it, bubs!"

She moves around in front of him and frowns at his rather unresponsiveness.

"Tch .. so rude, ya know? Ya got ladies present!" She gives him a good solid love tap to the cheek. "WAKEY WAKEY EGGS 'N BAKEY!!"


standardpackage December 2 2010, 02:39:52 UTC
Jinx considers this for a moment. This is a bad thing, a very bad thing. Though he's already here and getting more smooches so what's there to lose? He's also never been too hard to sway with just the right amount of pressure. Why did he start smoking at twelve and drinking alcohol at fifteen? It's not because he was just a generally bad child, even though he really was, but because specific persons told him that it was a brilliant idea.

He decides to just wait this out, maybe expecting some sort of reward.

Pulling Phoenix to the seat, Jinx flops the man's arms about as he slips off the seat every few seconds until Harley gets that final knot tied. And don't worry about Jinx being in the way, he'll stay good and far away.


ecopiracy December 2 2010, 04:20:12 UTC
He hadn't been unconscious when Jinx had first dragged him out of the medical wing, but somewhere along the way consciousness had faded - probably not a good thing, considering the concussion he'd sustained. Even so, the rough treatment earns a low groan - but it isn't enough to wake him, and he remains limp, pale from the loss of blood that continues to slowly leak from the lacerations on his bare chest, arms, and head.

Once Jinx and Harley have finished tying him in place, he sags against the ropes, still unconscious despite the pain clearly written on his face.


solittleeffort December 2 2010, 05:06:41 UTC
It seems that Phoenix is still unconscious, not that it matters to Maia. He isn't awake, yet? Fine. She'll just have to wake him up, herself.

"Move." Maia wants to get to work, and if she is to do that, then she needs both Harley and Jinx to get out of her way and for them to stay there. She waits for the two of them to move away before sauntering over to Phoenix, all too happy to take a seat on his lap and just grin. While Maia would have liked to take a bit more time with this - perhaps to instill a bit more paranoia in him, or to target the other women he seemed to be so fond of - this is still as good a time as any.

The simple truth of the matter is that Maia has wanted to do this even before Phoenix had killed her, although that certainly gave her even more motivation to do this.

She takes a moment to pull off both of her gloves before focusing her attention back on her guest. Maia tilts his chin up. Even if he's unconscious right now, she wants him to be looking at her when he wakes up.

"You really should wake up, Phoenix. It's rude to keep your hostess waiting." Not wanting to waste any more time, Maia presses her lips to Phoenix's and sends a charge of Dark Eco through his body. Nothing too lethal, just enough to wake him up.

This is only a taste of what she has in store for him.


hesmypuddin December 2 2010, 19:33:49 UTC
Harley is pleased that Jinx is playing along nicely with the two of them, but her smile turns into a pout when Maia tells them both to move. However, if the look on her face gives any hint at all, Harley doesn't want to argue or act cute.

She scoots to one side and pushes herself up onto a table nearby, legs swinging idly. She hated waiting. Being patient was for pushovers. BUT, she was a good lackey and did as she was told now as always; waiting until Maia called on her, with her hands folded in her lap.


standardpackage December 3 2010, 01:54:14 UTC
Hey, if they are moving, at least Jinx gets to stand right next to boobs Harley and he can still watch dat ass see what the hell Maia is doing to Phoenix.

Jinx leans on the bench right next to Harley, elbows propped and legs crossed at the ankles.


ecopiracy December 3 2010, 02:23:08 UTC
Something soft and warm presses up against him, aggravating his injuries, but still familiar, feminine, something he unconsciously expects to be pleasant. He almost starts to respond.

But the illusion is shattered violently as liquid fire pours through his veins. Phoenix jerks, his cry of pain cut off by Maia's mouth, and instinctively he tries to throw the woman off - but he can't move his arms. He can't move his legs.

His eyes fly open as panic flares in his chest.

...well. He's certainly wide awake.


solittleeffort December 3 2010, 03:02:33 UTC
Maia smiles against Phoenix's lips, making sure to look him straight in the eye right as he wakes up. That panic of his? She basks in it. Sighing contentedly, she pulls away from Phoenix and absently pushes a finger against one of his open cuts.

"Did you enjoy your nap, Phoenix?"

Maia's tone is almost cheerful. As if she's addressing a dear friend instead of the man who had killed her.

"I told you that we'd be seeing each other soon enough!"


hesmypuddin December 3 2010, 14:57:47 UTC
Harley is, of course, delighted to share her roosting spot with Jinxy! She watches the proceedings quite curiously, not really knowing how this whole 'dark eco' thing really works or even what the hell 'eco' was.

As Phoenix jerks back to consciousness, Harley lets out a soft 'oooo' and speaks sidelong to Jinx. "That glowy stuff eco?" It's kind of a whisper, but not really. She's really trying not to interrupt, but you know how it is. :D

[ooc: I'll respond so long as there is stuff to respond to, but if there's a point where it looks like I'm just repeating myself, I'll say so. If it happens, please feel free to skip me and just let me know when I need to tag in again; or, since I'll be watching anyway, I'll just jump on in again. :3 ]


standardpackage December 4 2010, 05:02:56 UTC
Jinx leans up just a bit, his eyes still on the show. All they need is some popcorn and beer to make this a date.


[ooc: Same goes for Jinx \o\!]


ecopiracy December 4 2010, 05:47:34 UTC
Phoenix winces with a sharp hiss of indrawn breath, then abruptly wipes the expression away with a furious glare.

"Get off of me," he snarls even as he struggles against his bonds, trying to ignore the sick twist in his stomach from the Dark Eco exposure just now. His eyes flicker briefly to Harley and Jinx before snapping back to Maia as his primary concern. "Release me at once, Maia Acheron!"


solittleeffort December 4 2010, 06:28:48 UTC
Jinx and Harley are welcome to sit and watch as much as they would like. This may as well be a form of live entertainment, and Maia has no qualms with putting on a good show. Of course, if Harley and Jinx weren't here, it wouldn't make a difference. Maia plans on playing with Phoenix with or without an audience.

Phoenix's demand just earns an amused laugh from her, though.

"And why would I do that? Letting you go after having Harley go through all the trouble of catching you is rather counter-productive, wouldn't you think?"


hesmypuddin December 4 2010, 16:26:12 UTC
Harley feels very much the same way, Jinx; and what an exciting first date. "Hmm," she says aloud, lips pursed in thought. "Like havin' lightnin' in a jar .. pretty nifty!"

Then Phoenix snarls at Maia and when his glance moves over Harley and her table mate, she lifts a hand and waves, happily waving back at him. She speaks sidelong to Jinx, wry grin on her face. "We should'a brought some snacks .. I mean, if we're gettin' a live show an' all, it would only be right, ya know?"

And then Phoenix is making demands again and Harley snorts, laughing aloud at Maia's quick rebuttal. "HAH! I don't think he appreciates all my hard work, Mai-tai! No respect for a job well done .." She 'tssks' softly, shaking her head in a greatly exaggerated manner.


standardpackage December 6 2010, 02:13:19 UTC
"Yup, just like that."

When Phoenix glances Jinx's way, all Jinx does is to give the man a jerked nod. Yup, Jinx is currently having a moral dilemma at the moment. Stopping the women will make him lose two sets of boobs friends. Staying is really a very bad thing, a a very bad thing.

"Yeah, gotta say, Phoenix. We worked pretty damn hard ta' pull this off."


ecopiracy December 6 2010, 02:58:20 UTC
"I killed you once," Phoenix grates out threateningly. "And I can damn well do it again." Struggling against the ropes again, he shoots a poisonous glare at Harley. "The only reason you were able to capture me at all was because I was already injured. If I die here, that won't be the case anymore."

Growling, he turned his attention to Jinx. "I shouldn't be surprised to find you in on this, but I would have thought you would at least have the sense to avoid Dark Eco, Jinx! An idiot who plays with fire is bound to get burned-" He snarls and snaps his head forward, hoping to catch Maia off guard and slam his head into hers. "All three of you will live to regret this!"


solittleeffort December 6 2010, 05:18:21 UTC
Phoenix doesn't miss Maia's head, and while she does fall back, she doesn't plan on letting this deter her. Smirking, she pushes herself back up and sits right back on her captive's lap. She slowly moves her hand around the back of his neck and grasps onto Phoenix's ponytail, immediately tugging on it and jerking his head backwards.

"Oh, come now. Stop being so unreasonable and enjoy yourself while you still can. I haven't even started playing, yet!"


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