[Closed Commentlog]

Sep 24, 2010 00:08

Who? Duck and Zuko
What? Since Zuko found his Blue Spirit mask, he thinks it's a good idea to stalk people! Duck's been quiet lately, so she's the first-- but it doesn't go QUITE as planned for Zuko.
When? Tonight
Where? Around the boat, predominantly on Deck 13

Duck has been quiet lately, but she'd been trying to settle into a routine. Like in her dancing (as bad as it was) her day at home had been very, very routine. Even after three months on the Elegante, she was STILL trying to find her niche.

She hadn't done a very good job, to be honest.

But she's carrying a phonograph she found in the luggage from Deck 12 to... some unknown location. Her hair is tied up, she's wearing tights under a one-piece bathing suit (AKA, her makeshift leotard) and ballet flats-- she's going to go practice dancing, one of her first steps in her morning routine.

duck, zuko

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