Characters: Anna (
dormant_beast), Jak (
shadesofeco), possibly Dax (
Location: Buffet on Deck 4
Date: Now-ish
Rating: PG-13? Depends on language I guess |D
Before Anna's ability kicked in, she didn't really eat all that much. Maybe breakfast, skip lunch, something small and meager for dinner. Money had been tight, so meals were skimpy most of the time. Not that they were bad, mind. Just small. Anna hadn't been a big eater anyway, so it hadn't mattered.
But then there'd come the symptoms, and included in those was a ferocious appetite, and she found being hungry was a good way to lose her head. Here there was a glorious buffet, and she was able to eat several times a day and worry little about running out. The buffet is where she was currently, piling a few things onto a plate and making her way to an empty table with a glass of juice.
There were a lot of reasons Anna preferred the boat. This was one of them.