(no subject)

Aug 12, 2010 04:52

Characters: shadesofeco and does-everything [CLOSED]
Location: Deck 14, right at the entrance to Deck 15
Date: Right after this thread
Rating: PG

He hadn't gotten as far as he'd have liked.

Daxter managed to make it up two floors before he had to stop; blood had soaked through his fur and matted it down, and his right arm was completely useless with pain. The adrenaline had worn off, and he was shaking in its absence. He just needed to rest here. Just for a minute, then he'd find Jak.

Of all the times to leave his comm behind.

Bars of light fell across the vent as he turned a corner and he sighed in relief; he could leave here. Maybe someone would see him and take pity on him and let him use their communicator to call for some help. Or maybe he could just push open the vent, leave some bloody hand and foot prints everywhere and then pass out on the tile.

daxter, jak

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