A Restraining Order Seems Pretty Harsh

Jul 26, 2010 17:56

Characters: Protoman [beforethehero ] and Bass [erhabenheit ]
Location: Bass's room
Date: July 26, sometime in the late afternoon
Rating: PG-13 for Bass's MOUTH

Protoman had a bag - purple, this time, and there was a joke somewhere in that - slung over his shoulder as he made his way down the hall toward Bass's room. He was whistling idly, not his usual tune, but something he'd heard playing down at one of the restaurants. His thoughts were on Jinx and Roll, and now Bass and the issues that unexpected development could cause. He'd have to watch everyone very carefully for awhile.

Protoman slung the bag off his shoulder when he reached his brother's room and tried the door, expecting it to be locked, and paused for a moment in surprise when it wasn't.

...Huh. Protoman blinked. That was conventient.

Then he shrugged the bag over his shoulder again and opened the door, and stepped cautiously but without hesitation inside.

bass, protoman

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