Jul 22, 2010 00:30

[Alice is determined to find her Hatter, so much so, in fact, that she's gone ahead and gotten to work on that tea party she had invited you all to not so long ago! She's gone to a lot of effort, you see, and - along with the help of a certain cabin boy named Siran (who, unbeknownst to Alice, has slipped in a few little savory tricks, uh oh) - ( Read more... )

jinx, zelda, kevas, castiel, catpaw, cliff, cyrus, sal, alice, mikaela, lilith, batou, glaukir khidamun, protoman, vie, kage, nel, reno, xanth, karis needleteeth, anna, roll

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reckless_riley July 22 2010, 16:54:14 UTC
[Riley had been walking by when Alice's announcement came over the comm system. She'd peeked her head in. She'd stepped in a little bit. This wasn't her usual scene, but curiosity won out (as always) and soon she found that there were all sorts of delightful things to try.

She'd looked over the scones with frosting, but found the pastel coloring off-putting. So, lemon cookies it was! Riley bit in and found them to be delicious. Cooked through, so as to not be like eating raw cookie dough, but still moist enough she wasn't scrambling for something to wash it down with. Lemony and fresh, without being overpowering.


She didn't even notice the tall white rabbit ears that had sprouted on top of her head, or the matching fluffy, white tail that had popped out over the top of her low-riding jeans.]


conquistasal July 22 2010, 17:04:29 UTC
[Something catches Sal's eye as this lovely young woman passes him and for once, it's not those low-riding jeans. A girl with bunny ears and a tail isn't something one sees every day, even on the Elegante, and to Sal, it is highly intriguing.

He rushes to block her path, which might be somewhat rude, but he's grinning curiously and now his eyes are fixed on her ears.]

'Scuse me fer bein' rude, darlin', but're these real?

[Now he can't help but reach out and touch one adorable ear, feeling it gently with his fingers.]


reckless_riley July 22 2010, 17:13:13 UTC
[Riley looks up and oh wow. Hello, tall, dark, and handsome. He may be blocking her path but she has absolutely no problem with being waylaid. His behavior is a little odd, so while she gives him a smile, she's also trying to follow his gaze.

When he asks if they're real, her smile freezes on her face. Is he asking if her boobs are real? Seriously?]

What are you...

[Then he reaches out and touches something--oh! She can feel his fingers on...what was that? Those hadn't been there before?

Riley looks all around, trying to look up at the ears, and finally has to settle for touching them herself. She stares at Sal in surprise.]

Are there bunny ears on my head?

[Welcome to Riley's first experience with body-altering foods from the Captain.]


conquistasal July 22 2010, 17:35:37 UTC
[The grin turns a little confused as he connects with her surprised look, then he chuckles a little.]

Ah, y'mean y'din' know? Must be a food thing...

[And he glances at the snacks, making a mental note of not to touch any of them. Sal would rather not be a bunny himself. Cute on girls, on him... well, you know, it might be cute. But he's still not going there.]


reckless_riley July 22 2010, 18:40:02 UTC
[Riley is stroking her own ear as a wide smile spreads on her face. Her hand brushes his, and she gives him bit of a chuckle.]

I've never had the food here do this before. Why should it now?

[She looks at her lemon cookie speculatively, then shrugs and takes another bite.]

Oh well. No big problem for me. Can't hear out of them......hey what color are they anyway?


conquistasal July 22 2010, 18:50:00 UTC
[Her nonchalant reaction makes him pause, then laugh, purposefully running his hand over the back of hers before removing it from her non-functioning ears.]

White. S'pretty cute. Y'gotta a nice fluffy tail back there, too.

[That one he won't risk feeling.]


reckless_riley July 22 2010, 19:15:44 UTC
[Well then. Touching back, Sal? Riley has no problem with that. In fact, it encourages the flirty side of her. She gives him a coy look, then turns to look over her shoulder.

No, she isn't posing and giving you a fantastic view of her ass. Really.

After a moment's examination, Riley looked back in, still grinning wide.]

Playboy bunnies, eat your hearts out.

[She winked.]


conquistasal July 22 2010, 19:20:37 UTC
[Well, when ample opportunities arise, Sal is not one to say no. He'll give that tail a good once over, thank you.]

Well, I gotta say, ain't never seen a Playboy bunny quite so dedicated. Er cute, fer that matter.

Name's Sal, by the way. [Names? Who needs names?]


reckless_riley July 22 2010, 19:25:29 UTC
[Riley is pleased by the once-over Sal gives her. There's nothing more disappointing than putting yourself out there, literally, and then being ignored. She takes the opportunity to give him another look, head to toes, and then back up again.

It was so hard to find good looking men who were taller than her.]

Well thanks, Sal. You're not so bad lookin' yourself.

[Riley held out her hand to shake, turning to face him again.]

Riley Knight. You can just call me Riley of course.


conquistasal July 22 2010, 19:35:16 UTC
[Ooh, a compliment. Sal likes compliments. They open up many doors for him. Return compliments generally mean a girl wants you to turn up the flirtage.]

Righ', 'cause usually I call girls by first an' last.

Y'pretty fresh on board? I think I'd'a remembered seein' a face like yers 'round.


reckless_riley July 22 2010, 19:55:47 UTC
[Oh he would, would he? Riley brushed her bangs away from her eyes and stray hairs over her head. Her fingertips brushed the rabbit ears at the base, and they twitched in response.]

Hey, you can't blame me for clarifying the name thing. I've already been called "miss" by a couple people on board.

[She chuckled as well.]

But yeah, I'm new. Been here just over a month now. You?


conquistasal July 22 2010, 20:12:06 UTC
[He squints, scratching the side of his head as he thinks.]

Ah... a long time. Prolly comin' up on a year, actually. [He frowns a little. It's been a lot longer than he thought.

But the frown is gone quickly, smile replacing it as before.]

Well, th'boat always needs more pretty girls, y'know. How y'likin' it 'round here, darlin'?


reckless_riley July 22 2010, 20:25:30 UTC
A year?

[Her eyes widen a bit, and the ears twitch, reinforcing her surprise.]

Well, happy to help fill in your pretty-girl population. Can't say it's much of a hardship considering all things. Everything you could want is free, endless time on my hands, and all sorts of things and people to occupy that time with.

[Have another grin, Sal. She's rather charmed by all his compliments and endearments.]

Plus, as far as I can tell, most people on board seem to be single so...that's not so bad either.


conquistasal July 22 2010, 20:56:59 UTC
[He chuckles a little. A girl by his own heart.]

Nah, s'not bad at all, is it? [Which is to say, Sal is very single.]

S'a pretty sweet place, y'keep yerself outta trouble. Well... the bad kinda trouble, that is. S'even funner 'round here, y'keep gettin' into th'good kind.


reckless_riley July 23 2010, 17:41:00 UTC
I'm already a big fan of any place that lets me do what I want. The vacation from work is more than welcome.

[It's always so much fun to find someone that speaks the same language of flirt that she does.]

Is there a lot of the good kind of trouble to get into around here?

[Around here meaning this five by five space they're standing in. She already knows what sort of good trouble she can get into on the ship in general.]


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