
Jul 11, 2010 23:33

Who? Jinx [Open]
When? This evening. I made a derp, I meant tonight.
Where? The Bar then to Xanth's Room
Rating? PG-13 for Jinx's potty mouth, descriptions of injuries, and typan that I fixed

Jinx sat alone at Sergei's, well he did have his communicator and a bottle of alcohol. His head resting on one palm while the other gripped the drink that is ( Read more... )

pit, roll, jinx, phoenix, xanth, open

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kazeyotsutaete July 12 2010, 07:04:56 UTC
Jinx wouldn't be alone for too long, as Roll had made her way back to Sergei's again (since she had been there earlier helping Rfena learn how to cook). Of course she hadn't really been expecting to see Jinx.

So, very quietly, she made her way over to where Jinx is seated. And she'll just kind of stare at him and hope that he'll notice.

How awkward.


standardpackage July 12 2010, 08:04:15 UTC
Jinx didn't really notice Roll's presence straight away since he was focused on more pressing matters than that lolibot.

He keeps his eyes on that communicator.


kazeyotsutaete July 12 2010, 08:06:12 UTC
Oh good, then this might be less weird.

"Hey, Mister Jinx?" Or not, curiosity has gotten the better of Roll.


standardpackage July 12 2010, 08:08:48 UTC
"Don't call me Mister." He responds with a solemn, almost bored sounding voice.

He shifts positions so he can grab that vodka for a nice long swig.


kazeyotsutaete July 12 2010, 08:11:04 UTC
"Maybe I wanna call you that." Is her own quick retort, as she moves to take a seat near Jinx and not disrupt his boozing.

She stares. "Did you go and see the doctor yet?" Small talk!


standardpackage July 12 2010, 08:15:22 UTC
Disrupting Jinx's boozing is always a very bad idea. Especially when there is a legitimate reason behind it.

"If ya' say so."

He flicks out his cigar before speaking again.

"Still don't understand why I need ta'."


kazeyotsutaete July 12 2010, 08:20:59 UTC
Good thing Roll has no clue. About the boozing or the reason, yet.

And dear lord, Jinx. He opens his mouth and says things that make Roll want to lock him in a box so he can't hurt himself.

"Because you fell off that zoomer thing and hit your head. That's why."


standardpackage July 12 2010, 08:25:27 UTC
Jinx really can't remember any of that ever happening. The last thing that he remembers is that he was racing side by side with Roll, then he woke up in his bed with a shred of Roll's dress on his face.

"Pretty sure I was winnin'."


kazeyotsutaete July 12 2010, 08:28:54 UTC
Roll makes a very small and almost 'ffff'-like sound and she may have just rolled her eyes a bit. She remembers everything, well everything except HOW Jinx went flying off his zoomer.

"I don't think head trauma is a win, Mister Jinx." Blunt, which shouldn't be surprising.


standardpackage July 12 2010, 08:32:27 UTC
"Who said there was head trauma?"

Jinx reaches up to the gash on his forehead that is finally beginning to scab up.

"'S probably from fallin' offa my bed er somethin."


kazeyotsutaete July 12 2010, 08:35:56 UTC
Roll is just going to... thunk her head against the table/counter top (whatever) at EVERYTHING Jinx just said.

"Do you remember anything from between the race and when you woke up?" It's muttered, and Roll isn't sure if the answer would help since she knows nothing about head trauma or human first aid, but darn it she'll ask.


standardpackage July 12 2010, 08:39:55 UTC
Jinx just raises a brow at Roll banging her head into various surfaces.

"Not at all." He still keeps his gaze away from Roll and takes another drink.


kazeyotsutaete July 12 2010, 08:41:29 UTC
Roll is doing it to prevent herself from screaming, or punching Jinx again. Oh how he tries her patience~.

"... But you've checked your communicator, haven't you?" She's gone back to staring at Jinx again, since it beats staring at the table.


standardpackage July 12 2010, 08:45:07 UTC
Jinx would love to tell Roll that patience is a virtue, but he really doesn't have the energy for that.

"Doesn't mean that I remember it."

He finally looks down to Roll's face realizing how frustrated and disappointed she may be.


kazeyotsutaete July 12 2010, 08:49:42 UTC
Any disappointment showing on Roll's face is more her feeling that way towards herself, since she really shouldn't be feeling frustrated at Jinx for being Jinx.

Or the fact that him suffering head trauma is her fault.

"But it's still there, and I'm pretty sure no one can fake that."


standardpackage July 12 2010, 08:54:14 UTC
Jinx is the type of person only a mother could love.


That's right. Jinx has no words for you, Roll. He really doesn't want to believe that any of this happened.


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