Puppy needs a chew toy

Jul 06, 2010 21:33

Characters: Danny, Ganondorf, Cale, Reno, Kevas and Ironhide [open with permission]
Location: Sergei's Bar and Grille
Date: present
Rating: PG-16 for violence yo

Danny followed his new master in silence down the hall towards Sergei's.  He was still confused about why he was here and not back home, and what exactly had happened after he'd staggered away from the car accident -- his memory was a little hazy -- but now that he had a new master and new orders, it was easier to just fall back into old habits and not question too much.

He knew the restaurant well, he'd raided it for food earlier in the week.  Why they were going there was clear; obviously, they were on a job.  Someone needed shaking down or beating up, and Danny was to be unleashed on them.  It's how it always worked, and Ganondorf had that look in his eye.

cale, ganondorf, danny the dog, ironhide, kevas, reno

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