No amount of rehab will stop this addiction

Jun 29, 2010 15:51

Characters: destinedtorule and jewelofthesands ; Closed
Date: Sometime this afternoon
Rating: This is Gan and Nabs. We'll say PG for now. Will change if/when necessary.

After all this searching, Ganondorf was still unable to locate Nabooru. That irritated him. And there was only two ways to calm himself without doing harm to another passanger. One, was playing the piano. The other? Deck 13. He was in no mood to be musical today, so venturing into the flower deck would simply have to do. He had a soft spot for the flowers here. They were vibrant, colorful, lively. Like his people had once been. It was hard not to think of them here. But for one reason or another, it calmed him. This time was no different. He got down on a knee, plucked a flower from the ground and held it delicately in his fist. Just another to add to his collection.

ganondorf, nabooru

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