Holy Update, Batman!

Nov 07, 2004 16:19

I have been slacking like crazy on this journal. I havent really honestly had time or energy to sit down and fill this out. And I get kicked off everytime, which is so ANNOYING. But I don't really have anything to do right now... so I guess its time to fill everyone in.
Last night was pretty bad. I got up at around 12 noon and me and my mom and my Aunt Janet went shopping at Great Lakes. I got some new shoes and earrings for the cruise...courtesy of my mother=)Then we went and had a goooood dinner at Brick Street. After that I was driver and we all went to Galaxy Lanes to meet up with my other relatives and family friends. We ended up spending wayyyy too much time there, in my opinion. Everyone got really trashed. Well, not me. So at first it was really entertaining, watching my mom and aunt dance like they were in an 80's music video. Then my mom got cut off and my aunt wanted to kick the bartenders ass so it was time to leave. It was really irritating driving a bucnh of drunk people home, they felt the need to tell me that "you are allowed to turn right on red" and "ohh its only 35 through here...!" thanks guys. All in all I am glad they at least had a safe driver and honestly I didnt have anything else to do. At least my mom had a good birthday, although she somehow broke two toes and is very sleepy today.
After I dropped them all off I really wanted a ciggarette so I drove around for a bit and got a call from Randy. He wanted me to stop by, and I was really wary cause it was like 1 am and i was tired, but I decided to stop by for a few. We actually had really nice conversation about just normal stuff. Its like were brother and sister now, not awkward exes. They kid will always talk me death probaly, but hes a good person and I need to treat him like one. After that I came home and just crashed. Slept till a little after one today... don't know whats in store for the day. I really really really really need to clean my room. Doubt that will get done. It's already 4:30. Things arent looking good as far as getting anything done.
Im gonna go, but I promise it wont be so long till I post again, for all you kids who were worried about me =)
love, Sarah
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