Jan 09, 2005 21:35
Well, I'm Back.
Actually I have been for a while. But I wasn't handling well for the first couple of days. Coming home to snow and Blah Fenton was one of the most depressing things ever-no kidding. I miss gorgeous Hawaii and that big boat more than anything...
Which got me thinking. I always assumed I was such a homebody, and that living in Michigan always and forever was just what I was going to do. While I was away, I really didn't miss anything besides a few select people and my dog. Granted, I was only gone for 16 days. But it felt so awful to be back... now things are better, I've seen some friends and family and that was nice.
I am currently making a resume to send to cruise lines. I haven't been this passionate about something in a long time. It's so weird, here I have 41 credits already done, and still am stuck in the same place career-wise. No idea what I want. And I've always joked about working on a cruise ship before, but never really gave it a second thought. But after this one, I fell in love with the boat and all the people I met, and being at sea and traveling. Plus, this is the perfect time in my life to go after something like this...I have no job, no kids, no boyfriend...not much to really worry about. This is something I really would at least like to give a shot... who knows if I'm even qualified for anything ( mayb toilet scrubbing ) but it cant hurt to try.
There are some definate cons, if I was to work at sea. Contracts are usually about 6 months long... that is a VERY long time to be away from land and the people I love. And the only time you can contact people is on land. Plus, living quarters are TEEEEEENY tiny, and you work long hours. And I got a lil seasick before.
But the pro's are outweighing all that for me, at least while this is still a dream. I read that you start at around 1000-1800 $ a month. Nice? And the experience alone would be worth it. I'd meet so many different people and travel for free really. So who knows, maybe you'll see me passing out towels on your next cruise...
Wish Me Luck. Resumes are harder than I thought. Impressive ones anyway.
Love, Sarah Marie