(no subject)

Jun 27, 2002 22:54

Jessica and i were at the del mar fair for the last three days, but a lot of things happened, alot of things that i didnt think would happen, wait...thats not the best way to start, maybe these things happened or the better, you never know. well we arrive at the fair grounds and just got things ready for the upcoming shows, and we settled in for the night. the second day rolled around and i found out that my favorite person of all time was coming! BOB!........"oh how i loth thee, let thy count the ways".....I HATE THIS MOTHER FUCKER! he is so dumb, he decided that he was going to tell me that he was gay so i wouldn't talk to him, and lo and behold as he gets out of the car he walks up to me and says hi.......he pisses me of so bad i cannot even begin to exlain.....i 'm guess ing that he was trying to make me mad and ws hitting on the UGLYIEST girl there, i mean come on now, she walked around the god damned fair in her pajamas, what retart walks around in a fair witht thier p.j's on?...i guess that you could call me jelouse, considerig i watched every move that he made while he was ther, but its complicated, half of mewants to talk to him so bad, yet whenever i see him i cannot help but to be mean to him becasue of how bad he hurt me. I dont think that people really ever knew what he did to me, and if they did i think that they would have seen things a little more the way that i do...i mean whenevr i tell people aboutwhat happened they always say, "you dont know what he s going through" i really dont care what he is going throuh, that dosen't mean that he can just treat people like that and if he thinks that that is ok, he is wrong, i dont think that he understands how bad he hurt me..i really liked him and i thought that he liked me, its like he just leads you on and then he will just drop you like your nothing, and i think that he needs to learn on way or another that that is wrong, and i think that he needs to have t done to him so he can relize, but the only problume is that he is never "settled" down with just one girl, he is always talking to like 10 diff. girls all sat the same time. I hate the way that he acts around me now, and i feel really bad becus ehe is now being mean to jessica becuse she is my friend, and they used to be really good friends, i feel like everything is my fault. I wish that everything could just go back to the way that it used to be, but i don know if this happened for the beter or if is just ment to make things worse for me, becasue i still want to be his friend, but how can you be someones friend if they dont even talk to you? its hard, and i cannot stand it whn people are mad at me, it just makes me feel horrible, and i know that there is no way that i can fix things between us...ever. and it really makes me think that if i didnt ever go for him how things would be.....well i have to go to bed so i wil continuet his later... night...

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