yoga journal - day 2

Nov 10, 2013 11:02

Week 2, Day 1 - part 1 --> poses 1-13, plus relaxation and meditation

So today I went through the first 13 poses in the sun salutation sequence given in the book. Day 1 is always about learning the different versions of the poses and deciding what works for you and what doesn't. I appear to be continuing my trend from Week 1 where I split this Day 1 into two different sessions. Today's session ran for about 40 minutes in its entirety. If I had continued through the rest of the day's poses the session could have lasted as long as 1.5 hours. I don't currently have the patience for doing that, so here I am. Doing it this way, I also break the 6 day practice week into 7 or more days (depending on what's designated for the other days of the week).

Because it is so hard to get myself in a routine, I try not to practice for more than an hour at a time because I don't want to force myself into doing yoga. It should be fun, not a chore. If it turns into a chore, I get resistant and then fall into periods of time where I neglect any yoga practice at all.

In other news, I am feeling ok today. I did not get to sleep as early as I wanted - I saw an old friend last night who is in town for the weekend and ended up with a bit too much energy to burn, even though I was tired. NOTE: once my yoga practice is more consistent, I need to look at a good way to clear my head for sleep (either yoga, meditation, or something else). Sleep hygiene is important, and right now mine really, really sucks big hairy monkey balls.

On the plus side, I am headed to a free drum circle this afternoon! Woo-hoo!!!

state of being, yoga journal, yoga

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