Your result for The Brain Game Test...
Charismatic People Person
54% Visionary Thinker
People who have a predominantly Right-brain Abstract thinking style tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other. They are creative people who consider many options and abstract concepts when absorbing or presenting information and when making decisions. They tend to think before they speak.
You are open-minded, but deal a lot on your feelings and emotions then strictly on logical thinking. You tend to procrastinate while you explore your options in lieu of just getting the job done. You may also have a tangent of going off topic when discussing issues with people.
You are open-minded and like to share ideas with people. You like to give people an opportunity to open up and make them feel special and needed. You seriously value trust, though, and don't take kindly to having that trust broken.
There are times when you prefer to be quiet and reflective. You need to feel comfortable with the choices that you make in life.
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HelloQuizzy I really liked this one! It really does fit what I perceive my personality to be :-)