Guess what!? I'm not dead...yet! I am coming to the conclusion that some of my professors are actually trying to do me in. Fortunately that's something not even I can do. ;p Anywho, although the rest of this week promises to be absolutely lethal in terms of drudgery, there are a few exciting things in the future. First and foremost, this Saturday I'm presenting a paper ("Sure 'twould fright the sinner": Mortality and Morality in The Revenger's Tragedy) at what will be my first serious scholarly conference. Granted, it's only an undergraduate research conference, but it's still something. I'm pretty psyched - not least of all because my two favorite teachers of all time, Prof. Westfall and Mr. (now Prof.) Newman, will probably be there cheering me on - quite possibly along with my mom, who will be bored to tears or terrified - providing comic relief either way. Prof. Van Dyke, who is amazing, will also be there along with one other student who's presenting. It'll be amazing if I don't die before I even get there. I'm so excited to begin taking myself seriously as a scholar. It's dork-tastic!
Other than the conference and working hard on my research paper about Spanish comic books (all 20+ pages of it x_x), I haven't had a lot of time to myself, and what little I have had has (conjugation=lulz) been devoted to resolving the Frozac/LA/XP polygon. Hopefully the latter realizes that we were always going to self-destruct. I know it's a tough thing to hear. I didn't want to believe it either when I first figured it out, but we were just too different. Someone who hides from everything and needs me to pretend everything is always okay to protect him just isn't my kind of guy no matter how much I used to wish he were. The Frozac is as sweet and amazing as anyone I've ever met (plus he's cool, which adds to my coolness level), and I'm very, very happy with him. Plus he puns well. It's weird to be embroiled in drama that, though I caused the events that initiated it, I neither started nor perpetuated. Going with the flow (and standing in front of the landslide to try to stop it) is more or less a foreign concept to me.
On a sort of closing-type note, I figured I'd announce to the general public that I'll be getting out of here on the 16th, which both is and isn't soon enough for my liking. In a way, this has been a very good semester that I would love to make last for as long as possible - except that that would definitely lead to my premature demise. To illustrate, I have consumed over the past two days 11 Diet Dr Peppers (to the tune of 220 ounces containing 763.25 mg of caffeine) plus an unknown number of Diet Cokes in order to keep myself awake long enough to write the goddamn papers I've been working on. As a point of interest, Diet Coke has 12 mgs (47-35 per 12 oz.) more caffeine than Coke Classic. Sure it has more carcinogens as well, but I'll have time to worry about those when I'm riddled with tumors in ten years. As for the caffeine, according to
this calculator, it would take 249 of them to kill me.