Summer Stabcon 2013

Jul 08, 2013 13:49

Had a fun time at Summer Stabcon as usual. Ran three games, which is unusual for me - normally only do one or two- and didn’t play any boardgames this year, but spent lots of time chatting with old friends and making new ones.

The games I ran were:
1. The Gentle Ladies’ Tea, Monstrosity Destroying and Quilting Circle Auxiliary - middle class ladies versus signs of the End Times
2. Hounds of G.O.D - genetically engineered werewolves fight crime.
3. Maschine Zeit - movie-logic horror game on a space station.

Gentle Ladies was possibly the fastest sign-up to one of my games I’ve ever seen. I was queuing to get my badge at the reception desk when two of the folks manning the reception desk spotted the sign-up sheet clutched in my hand and added their names and a friend’s to it before it had even got to the ‘game announcement’ boards…

Two people were so enthused about Hounds of GOD they want to buy it, so I’ve emailed them the link to the writer’s website.

I think everyone enjoyed Maschine Zeit, but we overran by almost an hour, and on reflection I think 6 players was too many. Last time I ran that scenario there were 4 people and it went much quicker.

I played in a very silly game where we were goblins sent to teleport behind the elven army and do a sneak attack… only our wizard messed up the spell, so we ended up first in the Vietnam War, then in a modern city. Cue lots of goblins blowing themselves up when they try to eat hand grenades, collecting 50mm cannon shells because they are shiny so must be gold, etc etc. Oh and massacring a Star Trek convention. Well they had pointy ears - they must be have been elves!

The downsides to the weekend were:
1. The heat. The heat and the dammed flies. Okay, so I lied about the flies.
2. The hotel ovens broke on the Friday afternoon, so instead of opening at 6pm, the poor staff kept having to fob people off and say "Maybe at 7pm…". So the food wasn’t that great on Fri evening as it had to be stuff they could cook quickly (chips and meatballs) rather than having a roast cooking all afternoon.
3. The hotel had a burst pipe on Sunday so there was NO water from about 2pm onwards. The staff were valiantly filling the water coolers with bottles of fizzy water, and there was a plumber somewhere beavering away, but a sweltering July weekend was not a great time for that to happen. By 4pm I heard a lady complaining to the receptionist about the state of the loos… Ick.

Hopefully whatever voodoo curse has afflicted the hotel will have been lifted by the next Stabcon!

cons, weather, rpgs, gaming, games

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