keith_martin came up for the weekend and we went to BristolCon 11 (actually the 3rd one) on Saturday, which was very entertaining. Given that it was only a 1 day con, they had four Guests of Honour! But with a double stream of programming, and such things as lunch to fit it, I only actually made it to one of the GoH talks - Jim Burns.
Went to panels on "When did Science become the bad guy?", "Copyright or wrong?" and another fun variant on the "where's my jetpack?" theme, as well as the TransStories book launch and Talis Kimberley's band. Talis did her very funny Da Vinci Code song again. I don't think I could ever tire of listening to that one.
There was a collection in memory of Colin Harvey, who sadly died in August, and touchingly, Colin has been named "Ghost of Honour" for next year's con.
Spent too much money on books, but such is the way of cons! :-)