blah, blah, blah

Jun 08, 2006 01:12

Rained a lot today....and ... still raining....

The flu got me  and  I have been sick these last few days.I´m finally better, but I´m still coughing. =/
I didn´t go the gym  today because I hurted my right shoulder last week doing the exercises and it is not 100% good yet..blé.. =/

Oh well..nothing really interesting to say.... * sigh*

Ah,for you, people, who asked me about how i make my icons...

I  always use lots of layers (I´m crazy) , colors like #fff195 (multiply) , #d3f3ff (burn), #f6dc80 (overlay, soft light, vivid light on PS...), pin light...But, of course, not always.
Some gradients and textures, blue exclusion. Sometimes I like to erase some parts of the icon. And I always sharpen...sometimes 2x, sometimes 1x.  And depending of the picture I use the soft brush tool (not blur).

Sorry my english.


ETA:  I use PSP 9 and PS CS.  :)


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