(no subject)

May 14, 2006 10:06

I was assaulted yesterday. 
My sisters and I was coming back from lunch on the mall, when two guys in a motorcycle stopped beside our car in front of the house.

"Give me the cellphone!"

My younger sister asked them to be calm and my other sister didn´t want to hand over her purse.  So the other guy shouted:

"Shoot her!Shoot her!"

But my sister saw that they were lying,  that he was using his hand to pretend that he had a gun. She shouted:

" You are lying! They are lying! They are not armed!"

But the other guy grabbed my younger sister' s purse and ran. She trying to get her purse back, but one of them knocked her down and she hurted her arm a little. The thieves runaway...

I didn´t move or speak all the time...I was in a half shock  i guess...I couldn´t believe that  was happening. I was there but i don´t remember of almost nothing...This that I told you here, my sisters told me...i can´t remember well....Weird huh? o_O

And we were alone ...My parents are coming back from Bahia today. We didn´t tell them nothing on the phone yesterday. We cancelled the credit cards and etc...

Well...is everything ok now. :)

Before that, our day was good. We had a happy lunch on the mall and we brought  mon´s presents.

Sorry my english...blé.. =/

aahhh HAPPY MOTHER´S DAY!!   ;C)

bla bla bla

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