Ágora -> Icon tutorial ( Photoshop cs2)

Jun 27, 2009 17:25

Finally the tutorial. =D
My english is not good. I can understand, but I don't write very well.

<-- image cropped


1. Duplicate and put screen 100%

2. Merge and duplicate. Carefully use the blur tool ( 25 - 30 %).

3. Filter - sharpen - unsharp mask: Amount : 50% / radious: 1/ threshold: 0

4. Merge and duplicate. Screen 13%
5. New layer : fill #e4ddb2 multiply 65%

6. Merge and add a texture: I used this texture by yunhe. I erased the part of the texture where Rachel is. Then added a new layer and using the eyedrooper I picked some colors from the texture and used on the edges of the pic. Then I blured the edges a little.

now you have:
The Image is a little zoomed in '^^

7. Seletive color:

8. Merge and duplicate--> screen 21%
9. New layer - add some brushes

Now you have:

10. Merge, duplicate - seletive color again:

11. New layer then I added this texture by rhcp_csi. -> multiply 35 %

12: Curves:

Now you have:

13. Merge, duplicate. Then go to --> image - adjustments- desarature
On the desatured image -> soft light 13%

14. I added a new layer and used another texture by ewanism - screen 56%

15. New layer again and I used the same texture - ( image -adjustments - inverte ) - multiply 73% then I moved to the corner of the icon. I merged.

16. Saturation:

Merge and...The final icon:

You can use the icon if you like it, just don't forget to credit me. :)
I hope you have understood what I wrote. =D

Well...I am sure you all have a load of creativity. =) And I think this don't work with all kind of images.

hugs =*


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