Christmas Card!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The air is full with exclamation points.
_izu_, thank you for the card, love.
It's beautiful. Really. I'll put it in a little shiny plastic thing and keep it on the wall with the important things.
Oh yes.
Ok, let's talk about something serious now...
I'm scared.
Oh so scared.
In a few minutes I'll have to go and fight the most terrifying battle EVER.
Which one? Well...
Do you have ANY idea how much is difficoult to go to the food market and buy ingredients for the Christmas' lunch BEFORE christmas?!?!?
Well, let me tell you... It's a NIGHTMARE.
Last year I was almost dying between a shelf and an old lady's frikkin' walking cane!
I mean, ok, she was old and everything... And you know, as a kid they teach you that you have to be polite with old ladies... But that lady was a BITCH!
She stole the last package of cannelloni from me!
So that's why I decided I had to go to the shop early in the morning. Because I'm sure that there will be all old ladies... And no young couples with LOADS of kids crying everywhere.
Well, old ladies have canes, but... They're SLOW.
Anyways, there will be only me and my grandma. And I'm planning to cook for something like a BILLION people. XD
She'll have fun washing the dishes. XD
But I know she'll love the things I want to cook for her.
So it's ok.
And yep, that's pretty much it. I'm gonna run to the market now. See if I can come back home alive, possibly before midnight (and yes, it's almost 9 am now) and well... hopefully without injuries, but I can't be sure about that. XD
Fighting with old ladies? Never a good idea.
Peace, people. ♥