Jan 19, 2007 12:34
Does anyone remember a couple of months back when I posted when I saw the movie "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning." It was so scary that I began sleeping with a nite light... which i STILL sleep with. But that's mainly because I have to get up for work before the sun comes up. Anyway... that movie came out on DVD this week. Wal-Mart had it for $19.96. Then right next to it they had the movie (the uncut version), together in a pack with the other Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003). Not only that but it's the platinum series edition. These two movies together cost $19.96. It was such a good deal I just HAD to get them. I mean, it's the UNCUT version. They said 17 scenes had to be edited to get an R rating, I have to see what that's all about, right? So yeah... I must be real dumb.
In other news... tomorrow is my last day at Hardee's!!!! I quit because I figured I can make more money working full time at Papa John's. Plus I like that job a WHOLE LOT more. So YAY for quitting!!