when it's my turn to pick. I told him I wanted to go to the cinema an I was hopin he'd take me to see gi Joe or the host. he told me we was goin to this romantic small cinema an I fort it sounded dead romantic. when we got there they where in the middle of an avant garde film festival. I sat frew a black an white film wiv a girl havin her eyeball cut open, a documentary what was all sped up wiv no talkin an a film about this baby fing what made us both feel ill. I'd have killed him if it weren't for them showin performance. best movie ever :-) an I've been naggin Howard to watch it for years. I fink he enjoyed it but he did turn purple durin the sexy bits so I dunno.
speakin of killin Howard, naboo didn't react as badly to gwen bein preggers as we expected. partly it was cos he was drunk on marijuana whiskey but also cos his boss, Dennis' wife has been feelin broody an he don want kids so naboo suggested Dennis have one of the kittens, the little brown noser. Gwen's happy. Dennis has got a well nice big apartment an his bedroom's got loads of room for a cat basket so the kitten'll love it there. I promised her that I'd make sure her babies all go to good homes.
oh yeah an on easter me an Howard didn't do much but I ate so much chocolate I couldn't sleep properly for about 3 days.
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