State of the wuff

Oct 24, 2010 11:12

A couple of days ago I posted this Journal update to FA, well I should of done the same for my LJ account :P So here it is.

Not a ton has gone on with me since. I survived the sweltering summer weather, and I'm glad it's cooled down a bit. I went to a few cons, like MegaPlex and MFM, and now I'm looking forward to MFF starting next month!

November - MFF and California
Starting in November, the rest of the year is going to be pretty busy for this wuff. Not only am I flying to MFF, but I'm gonna pay a visit to the bay area in California. I'll be flying into San Francisco on Monday, after the con ends. So if you're reading this, and you live out that way, let me know..mebbe we can meet up?

After my visit to the West coast, I'm gonna have a special guest flying in to tortur..I mean hang out with me for some time ;) (hint: who visited me a year ago?) I'll probably make a few trips to and from Orlando during December. Can't wait!

January 2011/FC
Then, in January there's a chance that I'll be able to go to FC. Best of all, the con falls on my birthday, so maybe this con will make up for the years I didn't do anything on my b-day, since moving to the South ^^ Even if I can't get a few days off for the duration of the con, I'll just fly on in on the weekend. I've been meaning to attend FC, but it just falls on the worst time of the year for me, in terms of schedules and such.

So there's an update from far 2010 had it's ups and downs, more so up though. Let's see how the rest of 2010 goes :)
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