May 10, 2006 17:00
I took my last final today. It was an astronomy final. I didn't really study for it much. I did not need to do good on it. I could have gotten a zero on it and still had an 84. Anything above a 59.5 would insure my A in the class.
ANYWAY, the important news is that I got my grades back on my first three classes
AutoCAD = A
Linear Algebra = B
Differential equations = B
I'm so happy. The DE test was insanely hard. The questions were harder than any of the questions from the H.W. and from past test. I was afraid that I had done so poorly on it that my 95 average would drop down to a C.
But it didn't, just brought it down to a B. But I'm happy with a B. B's are pretty damn good.