one two three, one two three, watch me I'm waltzing with death

Nov 02, 2008 15:51

And then, everything was normal again.  Like, the instant we stepped out of the room, it was like nothing had ever happened.

*He smiles, motioning towards the door.*  Kitchen's here, boss.

*And he opens the door--and gives a startled yell as some kind of force grabs both him and Macabre, throwing them into the room.  He gets up shakily, his eyes wide ( Read more... )

oooooops, oh shit it's the boss

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mindovermacabre November 2 2008, 21:02:18 UTC
"The fuck just happened?!" shouted Macabre once the initial shock of getting pulled into a cornfield.
He looks around, searching for his sidekick.
"Yeah yeah. I'm good."


electronic_mail November 2 2008, 21:04:09 UTC

*Mencia glances around, biting his lower lip.* I've never been in this place before. Here--where are you? I can barely see two feet in front of me.

*It's just him and the boss in here, as far as he knows, so Mencia slips off his goggles in hopes that it'll allow him to see a bit better*


mindovermacabre November 2 2008, 21:06:57 UTC
"Fuck if I know, man. All I know is there's corn everywhere. What is this shit? The Cornmaze room?"
He looked around. Damn, it really was dark.
"Just follow my voice and find me."


electronic_mail November 2 2008, 21:09:09 UTC

*Just a few steps and a few shoved cornstalks aside, and there he was. Mencia practically sighs in relief.*

There you are. I think--

*A small, soulless groan from a few yards away. Mencia spins, backing up until he's next to Macabre.* Wh-what the hell was that?

*Because it didn't sound human.*


mindovermacabre November 2 2008, 21:13:34 UTC
As if by instinct, Macabre set himself in a fighting stance at the sound of the groan. It didn't sound human. Or friendly for that matter. He shuddered involuntarily. Whatever it was was scaring the don.
And nothing scares him.
"Laptop. I don't know what the hell that was, but I don't like the sound of it. Let's move. Away."


electronic_mail November 2 2008, 21:18:33 UTC
Definitely, boss.

*He reaches for his gun in his waistband, withdrawing it and biting his lower lip, as he slowly backs away.

Zombies, by most lure, travel in packs. And while they're not particularly smart, 'surround' is usually within their grasp. So when Mencia backs straight into one, he yelps and spins, eyes wide as it lurches after him.*

Boss--boss, it's--oh fuck--boss!


mindovermacabre November 2 2008, 21:21:12 UTC
Macabre whirls around just in time to see the walking corpse throw itself at his sidekick.
"Oh hell no." he growled as he rushed forward, drawing his gun and, faster than the creature could turn to look, shot it in the head, covering the two of them with grey matter and blood.


electronic_mail November 2 2008, 21:24:15 UTC

*He tries to shake the mess out of his hair.*

Oh, ew. Thank you, boss. *It's a genuine 'thank you', though.

In the silence, he can hear them. Just behind the corn. Shuffling. Shuffling. A small groan. Mencia's eyes go wide as he aims his gun towards one of the noises.*

You've got to be kidding me.


mindovermacabre November 2 2008, 21:29:52 UTC
"Zombies. Fuckin A man. Stand back to back and we'll get these fuckers."
He raised his gun and slowly turned himself to face opposite Mencia, but just as he got there, they starting coming. There were WAY too many of them.


electronic_mail November 2 2008, 21:35:13 UTC
This would be so fucking cool if they weren't trying to eat us. *He comments glumly, shaking his head.* Riot control--that's all this is.

*Trying to psych himself up for this. The first zombie breaks through the layer of corn and he fires, the bullet passing straight between it's eyes. It drops and the second one follows quickly behind it. He's got to shoot the third one twice--missed the head the first time--and takes a small step back as they keep coming.*

I'm gonna run out of bullet, boss. *He says, in a hushed tone.*


mindovermacabre November 2 2008, 22:08:11 UTC
"Shit man. How many do you have?" He says in a mixture of worried and pissed.
He fires off 3 shots, killing three zombies and looks around at the corn. It was shuffling with no sign of stopping.
"Damn man. You better not run out or else we'll have to either use our hands or get the hell outta here."


electronic_mail November 2 2008, 22:11:41 UTC
I've still got most of my clip, but if they keep coming...

*Another couple of shots, and thuds as more zombies fall.*

We need to run soon, I think. The longer we stay, the more of those things are gonna come after us.


mindovermacabre November 2 2008, 22:16:17 UTC
"Well fuck me. We're surrounded. The only chance we've got to get outta here with our brains intact is clear a path and run like hell."
He shot down more zombies and realized that he too would be out soon.
"Damnit. Ok. On the count of three, you turn towards me and start running and firing. Down as many as you can. Let's see if we can find a place to stay away from these things."
He snarled as he reloaded the last of his rounds and cocked his gun.


electronic_mail November 2 2008, 22:21:17 UTC
Okay, boss.

*He shoves in his last round and glances back towards Macabre, listening as he counts. On 'three', Mencia surges over and shoots one, missing his second shot entirely, before tearing after Macabre, doing his best to clear a path as they move.*


mindovermacabre November 2 2008, 22:27:04 UTC
Macabre races through the field as fast as he can, dodging and shooting any incoming zombies as they lurch out towards him. He glances back to see if his sidekick is dead yet or not, and then before he can react, he smashes into a scarecrow.
"Jesus fuck!" He yelled as he started to run again. But as he began to race forward, he saw the scarecrow reach out for him and slowly close its hand around his right ankle.


electronic_mail November 2 2008, 22:31:49 UTC
--the fuck?

*He keeps shooting, barreling his way through until he practically trips over Macabre, eyes widening as he glances down to the scarecrow. By this time, they'd just barely cleared the zombies--but they were catching up.

He points the gun down and shoots the scarecrow once, twice in the head. It just looks back up at him and pulls harder.

Which was impossible. You shoot something, it dies. That's just the way it is.*

Boss--boss come on, hurry! Come on--the thing--shit, oh shit oh shit-


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