There are no Dildos in Taboo: NYE 07

Jan 02, 2008 01:18

I hosted a low-key dinner with Maria, Jodi & Ali, followed by a New Years Eve snack and game night where Leander, Elise, Becca & Court joined us for a fabulous "best & worst of 07" trip down memory lane, followed by a rousing game of Taboo. So gay. And of course we drank lots of wine & beer and popped some champaign at midnight.

Me and my new roomate Madeline, hangin out pre-party.

Party Prep: Jodi Bon Snacks!

Taboo: Elise and Leander

Becca, who brought Jewish Apples to Apples which we played after Taboo.


Jodi Buzzes Court

Elise and Leander.

Jodi Bon Narcissism. Team G.A.I. is too busy taking pictures of themselves and forgets to keep score!

At one point the word was Lingerie, and i said "Jodi, its what you are your Austin date are going to go shop for when you visit" and she goes "Dicks, Dildos, Butt Plugs" and then someone else on our team is like, WAIT, there are NO DILDOS in Taboo!!


Ali and Maria. A.dorable.

Cheers to New Years Eve!
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