Oct 25, 2007 14:38
Teaching our boy-band workshop first thing Friday morning. We did a whole little intro/video PLUS taught an entire number, all in less than an hour. And people were totally into it.
Dragdom (which for the first time i WASN'T in) was super fun and amusing. Except for the fact that the bartenders where overwhelmed and undertrained. But it was nice to get time to be a social butterfly and just enjoy the show.
Went back to the hotel room, couldn't sleep 'cause i was so excited/nervous anxious PLUS i was laying next to a snorer. SO instead i layed on couch cusions in the kitchen under a teeny tiny blanket and listened to people have sex and giggle in the bathroom (though i won't name names, you know who you are!)
Showcase, the worst tech rehearsal in my entire life. They couldn't get the sound on the DVD player to work and the stage manager just screamed at us for hours and hours. We sat around in the dark doing nothing all day. It was horrific. At one point, butch tap busted out there number 'cause nothing else was happening, and we all cheered! Then, the stage manager started YELLING at us for cheering for them. Fucked up shit. I thought for sure the show was going to be a disaster. I oscillated between punchy/amused and upset on the edge of tears pretty much all day.
But, Showcase turned out okay. It was too long (isn't it always!) but there were some AMAZING performances. Blew my mind. Our performance went off extremely well, and the feedback we got made my heart soar. I can't wait to see video and pictures, as i really don't know what it looked like! We never even got to see our media on the big screen, the first time it was up there full-on was during the performance.
The after-party situation was fucked up and we all splintered off. But luckily i still got to hang with key people and all was not lost.
Sunday brunch, i was like, dude, seriously, are we performing the boyband number? So tired. But people RALLIED, we had like 15 of us onstage and all our friends in the audience were freaking out excited. It was a blast. So proud of all my boybanders! And of course Jodi and i uber-hammed it up.
Sunday night i got to spend some quality time with Mel and that was so fabulous. We ordered room-service food like rockstars 'cause it was pouring rain (which it was the whole weekend, too) and didn't leave the hotel room and it was perfect.
And then we drove back Monday morning and it was epic. We were stuck at the boarder forever and finally got home at like 9pm. And then i had class first thing the next day and goddamn was a glazed over.
I'm having serious post-IDKE withdrawl. I miss the adrenaline, the performances, the amazing conversations but mostly, i miss the people and the community. now back to reality.
I will post some pictures once i get em.