Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2011
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Firstly, and most importantly, thank you TL for letting us know of this fiesta because otherwise we wouldn't have. Go again next year? ^_^
Catching the sunrise while speeding through the highway
I cant emphasize how much I love road trips (maybe because I aint the driver so I have all the fun alone) and that we do everything ourselves, the way we like it. We get to wake up late and leave as and when we're happy. We sing to our hearts content while the sun rises... (: I love the it when everything is bathed in the golden sun. I love it when the boy drives because it feels so safe, and I'm not worried even when he speeds because he has very precise judgment so I'm usually at ease unless when he does crazy lane weaving/ cutting then I'll sit frozen because there was once I screamed and it freaked him out even more (he almost swerved).
+ I really love travelling with him because I always feel so safe because he is a multilingual, which is something I can never ever master. We drove all the way to KL and got lost because we attained the wrong address and landed up in some shabby village area and we had to find our way out. His well-versed cantonese and malay saved our asses but it took a long while for us to find our way there because it's very far off town.
It's actually a really really big fiesta with lots of games stall and stalls selling all sorts of mechandises. We ran through the never ending rows of stalls before arriving at the ticketing booth for the hot air balloons and all the tickets are sold out.
Dragging our sorry asses, we made the best out of it nevertheless and went around exploring the fiesta (:
And he queued for a game of archery!
Kai bought one of these huge ball back for his nephew and he bought me a Tweety balloon to cheer me up :D
Slippers for 10 ringgit! My desert boots gave me terrible blisters ):
And, we made our way back to town and checked into our hotel.
I LOVE OUR HOTEL! If you look closely... you'll notice that the bed is actually larger than King size. It's kinda rectangular actually.
Before coming to KL, Kai said he kinda have the itinerary planned out for me (: He wanted to bring me to explore parts of KL that I've never been to and TAAAA-DAAAAH! Here we are at Times Square! Largest shopping mall with an indoor theme park at the top. Fuckinggggggg awesome. He knew my love for roller coasters too well
There are a few other scary rides which I didn't take photo of cause I placed my bag in the locker and I almost cried/puked after one of the crazy ride that churns you upside down round and round. I almost died.
My last ride of the day which the boy didn't take and I sprained my neck on it. Don't underestimate this... initially I thought it was pretty fun, since it just goes round and round at literally breakneck speed (so I supposed it would be damn cooling) but thisssss ride throws you around and cause it goes so fast, it strains the neck. At the end of it, I had bruises everywhere.
Local food! ^_^ We love roadside food!
<3 <3 <3
We spent the rest of the night shopping and eating away and I spent allll my money in Times Square buying skincare products and necessities and slept through the night after washing up because we were so tired. In order to fulfill our purpose of this trip, we woke up at 5am the next day, checked out of our hotel at 6am and sped back to the fiesta because we really wanted to have a go on the hot air balloon. The car ride took about 45mins.
Spot the hot air balloon!
SPOT IT! (: Flying towards the horizon... how fucking awesome.
Inflating the balloon
SEE THE DORAEMON AND THE TREE-SHAPED BALLOON? Initially we thought all the fancy hot air balloon photos were a scam cause we didn't see anything spectacular the day before and the reason is because all these pretty balloons are only for VIPs and they set off towards the horizon at the crack of dawn. Which meant that you'll only spot them if you're early.
Spot the upside down balloon! And, sadly, we didnt manage to get on any of the balloon because the queue was insane. We guessed people came as early as 6am to queue and they had limited tickets... ): We MIGHT have made it if we were.. say, 30mins earlier?
Darth Vader and 2-faced clown (it's a (: on one side and ): on the other)!
We moved on to Horse-back riding!
The posting of malicious comments turned out to be a real blessing in disguise for me. 你相信患難見真情吗? Thank you all, who asked if I'm okay, who told me that there is no need for me to take it to heart. Especially those whom I hadn't expected a word from but took the effort to encourage me. You guys know who you are! (Thank you C, for the ultra long message. (,:)
I hope I can show you guys the other side of my world through my lens even though some of the pictures are really shitty but it's my only way of documenting everything in the most real way. It was a really short trip but it's always the company that counts wherever we go. I'd love to travel to the remaining part of Malaysia that I haven't had the chance to step foot in by next year. Cheers to our growing travelogue! ^_^