[music| bridge to nowhere × sam roberts]
today was an awesome day :) i got up at 9:00 and started straightening my hair, then it was 9:30 and i realised i was supposed to call colin at 9. so i called him and we talked til about 10, then i got off the phone, ate a poptart, cleaned my room, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and called him again to tell him we were leaving. we got to sobeys about 11:25, and him, his mom, and his dad met us there. the first thing we did was go downtown, and me and colin mostly sat in the van and waited for mom to do her errands. we went in the dollar store for a bit, and then we walked down to the waterfront to buy icecream :) mine was melting all over the place, so i couldn't eat it all or i would get it all over me and look like a retard. so then we saw mom going into the dollar store and we got her to buy us some fireworks :) haha. so she did. then we went to sobeys, which was exciting for colin, cause he'd never been there before. i'm surprised we didn't get kicked out though, cause we kept breaking stuff and ruining food haha. it was the most fun i've ever had in a grocery store :) so then we went home, and me and colin hung out for awhile, and we swam :) it was super fun. god that boy's funny haha. everything he does makes me laugh. so anyway, my mom wanted to drive him home early cause she was really sick, so we set off the fireworks on my road (we only had 3 roman candles and i think 12 dancing devils) and got dressed (we were in our bathing suits) and took him home :( it was pretty depressing. so now i'm kind of sad, cause i miss him already, but i'm also very happy cause i got to see him :) tomorrow i plan on doing nothing but sleeping, eating, and watching the same 10 episodes of friends over and over again.
sound good?
i'll update and tell you all about it ♥