Raina and Zori are 18 mos apart and it can be difficult at times because Raina is still a baby herself at times. If I could do it again I would wait until Raina was about 3 at least.
We started trying to get preg. again right after C turned two. Lil starr was born three mos before C's 3rd bday. I think it is good to space them out, really. I am not sure how S is on the weaning... how needy she is or such.(You can nurse while preg.) Miss Miss did not wean until 3 1/2 mos before lil starr was born. C is still a baby at times...well, she'll always be my baby. God will guide you. I could not imagine having two only 18 mos apart... i mean dh's dot n C are eactly that, but if we had them both all along...wow! im just babbling here. eh blah. ox
I am afraid of weaning Simone before her own timing, so if I'm not prego now, we'll be waiting at least 6 months. That way we also get to work on other important things to prepare for another pregnancy. Like my teeth! xoxo
hmmm something really weird just happened. I swore there was an email in here (my inbox) when i opened up....an email and this comment.... now it's gone and this one was no longer highlighted. REALLY WEIRD!!!
Simone is 14 months now. Yeah, my brother and I are 3 years and one day apart, and we were the best of friends. It was a really healthy seperation. I think it would be ideal. We decided to wait and see where we are in 6 months. If I'm not knocked up already, it will give us time to take care of some important things. I'm just so excited by my recent change of heart! xoxo
Raina and Zori are 18 mos apart and it can be difficult at times because Raina is still a baby herself at times. If I could do it again I would wait until Raina was about 3 at least.
im just babbling here. eh blah.
hmmm something really weird just happened. I swore there was an email in here (my inbox) when i opened up....an email and this comment.... now it's gone and this one was no longer highlighted.
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