
Jun 28, 2007 05:15


i've been reading through my friends livejournals. cheer up people, move on and get happy. g-g-g-get happy. i'm serious, it's so pointless being sad for so long. go out and do something. met new people, walk through the park, cook, draw on the side walk with chalk, blow bubbles, make your life worth living. sitting in front of a computer confusing how upset you are to the internet is a lifeless life.

i just want my friends, and maybe not so close friends, to be happy. i really care about you all. i'm not around a lot, i know this, but just know i always have your back.

stephanie, i have been sticking up for you 100%. you have no idea how many arguements i have been in with my brother for you. i stuck up for you in the worse situation, you may not know it, but i did. i love you, honey.

ashley, i don't know if you even use lj anymore, but i miss you! you have no clue how much i miss our shopping trips and how much i miss how we like the same style in clothes and actually understand whats ugly and whats hot.

tara, i know you don't use lj. so forget about it. i remembered you though.


i have a sleeping problem. all in all, it's pretty tight.
i don't sleep. i don't get tired. i have so much energy.
seriously, i can't even force myself to sleep.
kind of weird, but i like it.
it maybe because i have changed my lifesyle.
i am now vegan.
i don't party anymore, and if i am at a party i don't drink but maybe one beer.
i feel so healthy.
i don't know whats up.
: )


i know what love is, i am in love.


i am going on a trip with mark (my bf) and his family July 14 and i will be gone a week. we are going to a secluded island. fancy-smancy. i am pretty pumped about this trip. it will be a lot of fun.

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