Dec 09, 2008 18:07
I've made it to post two!
Also the christmas tree is now up! So festivity shall ensue, if slightly early.
I took a trip to Tesco this morning, primarily to buy some breakfast and/or an advent calendar as I had neither. I realised Tesco don't sell advent calendars this late in the month unless I wanted a Hannah Montana one (which I didn't) so there's me, complaining to my friend cause there was no advent calendars and telling her like some petulant child that "I don't want a Hannah Montana one!". I then noticed the best invention in the world some milkybar yoghurts on the end of an aisle, and they were BUY ONE GET ONE FREE! (because of the credit crunch, I am reliably informed). Being a long time fan of the milkybar yoghurts I wasn't gonna let this oppurtunity pass in a hurry, so forgetting about the previous advent calender problem, we grabbed some milkybar yoghurts (and the rolo ones, naturally) and headed to the till, picking up some pastries on the way :D
...although my lack of advent calendar still remains :(
As if milkybar yoghurts weren't enough; when we got home the Flintstones was on, so we reminisced !
Although this was all finished with the inevitability of college...