day 01 → your favourite song
day 02 → your favourite movie
day 03 → your favourite television program
day 04 → your favourite book
day 05 → your favourite quote
day 06 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 07 → a photo that makes you happy
day 08 → a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 09 → a photo you took
day 10 → a photo of you taken over ten years ago
day 11 → a photo of you taken recently
day 12 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 13 → a fictional book
day 14 → a non-fictional book
day 15 → a fanfic
day 16 → a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
day 17 → an art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
day 18 → whatever tickles your fancy
day 19 → a talent of yours
day 20 → a hobbie of yours
So I started playing the Saxophone lately for my Duke of Edinburgh, I'm calling it a hobbie rather than a talent, 'cause I suppose I need a tad more practice :p
I am mildly concerned, because it's making me like Jazz more and more. The one thing you get with wind instruments is a massive amount of unavoidable innuendo, so every lesson I have to contain myself while my teacher goes on about fingering and tonguing, and I realise how immature I actually am.
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