Justin Long is HOT man

Dec 07, 2008 00:11

"Thanks guys, you can relax now." Jude smiled, bent down over the black Canon, cupping her hand over the LCD screen, her eyes scanning the just taken photo. The wind blew hard, rushing Jude's hair over her eyes. Jude squinted and shoved a hand into it to hold it back.

"Thank you." Jude looked up at the voice. It was soft and soothing. The wind was blowing his hair over his face too. Jude could see the brick of the fire station reflected in his green eyes, then they flashed yellow. "For the photo?" He added when she hadn't answered.

Jude smiled apologetically. "Right, you're welcome. It is my job after all."

"We were just lucky Brian could get ahold of you. I'm Frank by the way." He smiled at Jude with eager eyes and stretched out his hand for her to take. Jude was amazed at his assumption that she wouldn't know him. In fact she hadn't known any of their names, but it was sweet of him not to assume he was a household name. Of course Jude had friends who listened to them, but she'd never bothered to pay any attention. "And you are?"

"Jude Moir. It's nice to meet you Frank. What do you do?" They began to walk not really going anywhere, just strolling.

"Well, I suppose my label is 'rhythm guitarist', but I'm really the everything. Someone needs cheering up, they come see me." He pressed his hands further into his pockets looking awkward.

"Are you okay, Frank?" Jude asked. Frank looked up at her questioningly, a sound coming from his throat like his words just got caught before they made it to his mouth. "You look tense, something bothering you?"

Frank gave Jude a quick look, wondering if he could really tell her what was happening in the band. Frank had denied it all night, but he knew it was the truth. It wasn't really a truth he wanted to face, but more like one he had no choice but look it right in the eye. Something about her gray-blue eyes invited him in and settled the tension building in his stomach. So he talked. And it felt good to let it all out. It helped to talk it all out with someone who didn't know them at all, someone outside the cramped house the five of them shared. When Frank was done, he feel better than he had in days. He slept well that night and woke the next day wishing he'd gotten her number.

"Just take it and shut up." Brian groaned, annoyed at being woken at three am when ther didn't need to be up until eleven. Frank grinned at the piece of paper in his hands and frantically dialed her number, praying she'd be awake.


"Jude? This is Frank. From yesterday?"

"Oh hey! Frank, why are you calling me at three am?"

"Why are you awake, Jude?"

"I'm a bit of an insomniac. What do you need, Frank?"

"Remember what we talked about yesterday?"


"Well, I was wondering. I can't sleep here.."

"Frank, are you asking if you can come over?"

"Maybe? Are you going to say yes?"

"Probably. Do you know where the QuickMart is? Over by 19th street?"

"I think so."

"There's a big black building across from the QuickMart. I'm the whitewash building next to it. It's narrow and short with a balcony on top. Apartment 142. I'll have to buzz you up. If there's an unshaven, drunk man on the step, ignore him. That's Jimmy. He lost his job Friday and doesn't seem to want to leave even after Craig kicked him out. Got all that?"

"Uhm..I think so."

"Could you be surer than 'I think so'?"

"Well, I'll steal Ray's cell and call if I get lost."

"Alright, Frank. But whatever you do, do not, I repeat, do not stop walking once you see the QuickMart. You will get robbed. And possible sexually molested."

"Sounds wonderful. See you soon."


Frank obeyed Jude's instructions and kept up swift pace up to the only white building on the block. He was a little shocked at the decrepit condition of the building. He scanned the list with a pale finger under the fluorescent glow. "Jude." He smiled and pressed the button. Jude's voice came through loud and clear.


"Hi Jude."

"Come on up, man."

Jude answered the door in an old t-shirt one size too big and flannel pants. Her hair was wet and beginning to curl, but she looked gorgeous regardless. "Morning?"

"Morning." Jude laughed, catching onto his subtle joke. "Come in. Did you see Jimmy?"

"Um no. There wasn't anyone." Frank replied, alright with making small talk for once. On a normal basis he hated all the bullshiting people went through during first impressions. "I thought you had a job?"

"I do." Jude replied, munching on some leftover pizza from a party downstairs the night before. Frank stepped around a few stray beer bottles to sit next to her on the saggy couch. She sat leaning against the arm, her legs curled up under her chin, the shirt covering most of her body. Frank hadn't noticed the yesterday, but he was acutely aware now of how tiny she was. Her skin was porcelain, a sort of creme color in the light, and it contrasted with her dark hair.

"You drink?" He asked, pointing to the bottles.

She smiled and shook her head, tossing her hair from its place where it was soaking her shirt wet. "Never. Those are my roommates."

"You have a roommate?"

"Two. Natasha and Jerry. But they're never here. I grew up with them, back in Huntington Beach. They dated all through highschool until Jerry got this idea that he should be gay, because that's what everyone was doing at the time. So they broke up for awhile and he fucked some guys, no offense-"

"None taken."

"He got tired of it all eventually, pretty much when he realized how hard it was to keep up, and they got back together then decided to get engaged and that didn't work out, because after all they were only eighteen. So they moved in together after they broke up and dated other people and hated each other because of all the jealousy. They asked me to move in with them, and I'd just gotten kicked out, so what was I to do? Anyway, I moved in, they got back together and voila. Here we are." Frank blinked and tried not to laugh as she took a deep breath in and nodded her head up and down as if he wouldn't believe her.

"That's a wonderful story, but really tells me nothing about you." He pointed out.

She took another bite and offered him the rest. He shrugged and took it off her hands. "What exactly do you want to know? My name's Jude Moir, I'm twenty-four. I have no clue what I want to do with my life, I don't listen to you guys, I got kicked out when I was eighteen, my last boyfriend dumped me for a girl he had dated before me. That enough?" To anyone else her words would have seemed annoyed, like an insult. But somehow, in the short time they'd known each other, Frank could tell it was a genuine question.

"You should come spend the day with us tomorrow. Are you busy?"

She shook her head. "Not that I'm aware of."

"Great. Hey, you mind if I crash for a few hours. I don't really have to get back until ten and unlike yourself, I'm very sleepy." Frank smiled, wondering if he even needed to ask. Everything about Jude was so welcoming. In a minute of talking you automatically felt like she would listen to you through anything.

Jude yawned, surprising Frank and stretched out on the couch, laying her head gently in his lap. "Only if you don't mind being a pillow." She felt him tense up beneath her momentarily. "Are you okay?" She asked, pushing herself off him. He nodded and laid her back down.

"It's alright with me. I just..it's just hard-" He blushed when she giggled gently and rubbed his leg. "I mean difficult, you're so amazing."

"How so, Mr. Frank?"

"Iero." He inserted.


He smiled. "My last name is Iero. Frank Iero."

"Oh well, how so Mr. Iero?"

"Your hair, your eyes. You're beautiful, Jude. And you smell so good. Like sweet strawberries." He sighed, breathing in her intoxicating scent.

She giggled, her side shaking against his crossed legs. "You smell like tobacco. I like it." She slid off the couch easily and pulled at his hand until he followed. They padded down a carpeted hallway. Jude stopped outside a door, her hand on the doorknob and turned to him, a finger pressed to her lips. "Do you mind if I kiss you, Frank Iero?"

"Well no." Something in him protested. He really didn't care to be a one night stand again. But she was so hot. "No strings?"

"None at all." She grinned and leaned up to him. He realized then, even at his disadvantaged height, she still had to lean on her tiptoes. The smell of strawberries raped his nostrils as their lips met. Her breath was warm and it sent him into a frenzy. The sudden fear that he'd be done before they even got naked rose in his stomach. He was acutely aware she'd never said anything about his own attractiveness. Maybe she didn't feel the same. But as if she was reading his thoughts, which he hoped she wasn't because they were places no one should ever hear, she pulled back a moment and looked him in the eye. "Goddamn you're gorgeous."

He was instantly knocked off his feet. They went all the way until eight, giving him only two hours of sleep. He could still feel her next to him when he woke up and wondered if she still had the scratches on her back. He carefully pulled the red sheets down, revealing that pale white canvas of skin and smiled a little at the bright red marks. She winced a little at the touch of his cold fingers as they trailed down the marks. "You were pretty good, Frank Iero." She smiled, writhing around to face him and planting a sucking kiss on his chapped lips. He was at a loss for words. He wasn't really too sure where this was going either. She smiled, reading his mind again and chuckled a little. "Just let me have you for the day. I promise after today, we'll be friends again. It's been awhile since I've had a guy around. You're not falling in love with me, are you, Iero?" Jude asked quickly, scanning his face for any sign. He swallowed and hoped to hell he wasn't then shook his head. "I promise, it'll only be for the day. Besides, maybe all this with help with the Gerard issue?"

"I wish." Frank sighed, letting himself fall back on the bed. Jude rolled over and chuckled as she felt Frank stiffen a little against her leg. She rubbed the heel of her hand over his chest and then up his neck, leaning down to kiss him gently. "How come you're so good at this?"

"Experience." She shrugged.

Frank sat up quickly and looked at her. She stared back curious and a little awestruck and confused. "Didn't you say you were only twenty-two?"

"Only?" Jude laughed gently. "And how old are you, Frank?"

"I'm twenty-five." He answered quietly, like he didn't really want to admit it himself. Four years was a bit of a difference. She smiled and stood, dropping the sheet. Her confidence caught him off guard. She was perfectly fine standing in front of him, naked from head to toe. All her imperfections laid out before him. But Jude looked perfect to him. He smiled and a thought struck him suddenly. Her pale skin, dark hair. She reminded him so much of Gerard.

"Do I look twenty-two?" She asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

He forced a smile and pushed Gerard out of his head. There was really no reason to let him ruin this moment, here alone with her. "Not at all. Now come here. For today, you're my girlfriend."

gerard way fic

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