Title: This Little Piggy
Characters: Ryo/Massu
Rating: PG-13 (for glossed-over porn)
Words: 2,969
Warnings: MPREG
Summary: Massu's having his very own little piglet!
Notes: Um. >.> This was only supposed to be a drabble. Yeah. I haven't even proof-read it so read at your own risk. XD For
ryogrande for shoving the idea in my head and making sure it
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And Ryo is so squooshy and sweet~! And Massu moving! And a tiny baby Massu/Ryo!!!! Oh my god, that child must be so flipping adorable I can't even- waaaarg.
The end was definitely my favorite part, with Massu in the kitchen and Ryo chasing their baby around the house. I actually felt my heart skip a beat. So precious.
This was a superb use of your time, friend. It made me smile so hard. ♥
LOL I'm glad because it took way longer than the 20 min I had allotted to what was supposed to be a drabble. XD
I think I would cry at the intense cute their baby would make. And the end. I was smiling so hard when I wrote that. I LOVE Ryo with babies. lovelovelove. <3
Thank you!
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