Title: Night Terrors (the perfect lullaby remix)
Rating: G
Pairing: Koyama/Shige friendship
Words: 1,595
Summary: "It’s embarrassing to be nineteen and still need his mother’s hand on his back to keep the bogeyman at bay."
Notes: A remix of
Dark Dreams for
jentfic_remix Cycle 6. Thank you to my beta, as always. :D
you're the perfect lullaby )
Comments 6
...and I loved it! XD *pulls out Tara's favorite KoyaShige icon*
thank you for sharing
I wonder how many more I can fit in before midnight. XD
But she’s always woken up at times like these, when either of her children had bad dreams or was sick or experiencing anything seriously distressing. Mother’s intuition, she knows.
Damn mothers and their intuition. It took me forever to figure out a way to sneak out of the house without being noticed so I could run away (shut up, I was like, 14) because mothers always seem to know where you are... >>
The therapist his mother took him to said that Koyama likes the control involved. That it might be because of the accident that Koyama prefers to drive himself.
That's actually an interesting way of looking at it. The human brain is interesting♥
He rooms with Shige because they’re best friends and because Shige is a heavy sleeper. Everyone assumes it’s the former and that’s part of it, but Koyama would have roomed with Ryo if the man was guaranteed to sleep through ( ... )
It's kind of creepy, really...
The human brain IS interesting. I was trying to figure out in my head how to resolve the crash that causes nightmares and his current love of driving. It was all I could come up with.
Hey. Ryo was scary then.
I love KoyaShige. <3 <3
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