Feb 11, 2009 22:57
I'm amazed at how 24 hours can change everything.
On Monday afternoon, I drove all the way to Cinci, parked in front of the school and ran into the building. I came back out less than 5 minutes later to a truck that wouldn't start. Had it been Thursday, I would have cried. As it was Monday, I laughed. A custodian and I unloaded the truck and lifted everything onto the curb - thank goodness it was space - and I headed in to half set up the program. Yay for after school programs. I called Fleetmaster and about an hour or so later, someone from a local shop shows up. Another hour later, we are down to two possible causes: starter celloiud or shifter cable. As of today, I'm voting for the shifter cable as I can't always start the truck in park, but can in neutral. Also, there is the small challenge of the truck rolling when I put it park. Just a small challenge really. And this problem is not tragic but funny. Thank goodness it happened on Monday! And yes, I'm still driving this broken truck.
Last night, I got a call from my sister's Dad. Amy is in the hospital and it's not good. She had an MRI/CAT scan (not sure which) and it showed a large mass in her brain. I spent the rest of the night and most of the day quietly freaking out and figuring out how I could care for 3 kids if something happened to her. Tonight, just 24 hours later, we have great, AMAZING, news! It isn't cancerous not life threatening but it is a tumor. It's on the top part of her cerabellum but isn't pushing against anything. They will run some more tests to find out exactly what is "feeding" it and how to best treat it. But the great news is that Amy will be fine. Yes, this is horrible but it could be so much worse. I'm so very thankful. We are taking Collin for the weekend and he will enjoy his first COW truck ride on Friday. I think he'll enjoy it.
All is as well as possible. What a crazy crazy week. And it's only Wednesday night.