Here's what I started last night...
YAY. I just tripped over a lead and stubbed my toe on my violin case! I've been fooling around with Marshall this evening. I kind of desperately want the sort of knick-knacks required to launch my love-affair with sound. I'm on Trademe. What are people's opinions on organs? My neighbours had one when we were kids. We would plonk around on it. Along to Buddy Holly's Everyday, most of the time. They go cheap on Trademe, like, $50. I'm tempted. I'm seriously pining for my high school days, when I had the means to do the things I want to do now, and when I had the ability to learn how I could do those things without the means. Composing without the necessary programming is like attempting advance calc without a calculator. I can't do it all in my head. I actually can't do anything in or with my head. It's one of those things that upsets me, but not one of those things I can be bothered doing anything about. I'm braindead. So I want some buttons and some knobs. And I think it would be so much more fun to work with analogue equipment than digital. Maybe I should go garage-sale hunting for an autoharp or something. I NEED A 4-TRACK. ACTUALLY, I NEED AN 8-TRACK.
"Plonk" is such a great word.
...and here's what i'm thinking this morning...
AW. Who wants to go to Roskilde with me? Animal Collective, Clap Your Hands Say Yay Denmark, Coheed and Cambria (HELL YES!), Death Cab for Cutie, BOB DYLAN, BOB DYLAN, BOB DYLAN, Figurines, GUNS 'N ROSES, HAPPY MONDAYS, Lady SOV bro, Jenny Lewis, Morrissey, Serena Maneesh, Shout Out Louds, Sigur Ros, the Strokes, and Kanye West. We could even check out a bunch of people with names that make them sound like other more famous people, or even some Faroese political hardcore! This lineup puts the NY in FUN.
And for everyone else who still cannot for the life of them get over last Monday:
All credit to the awesome person who took those.
And someone else taped it. Not that it's particularly good quality, but, if you're crazy enough. I'm pretty crazy.
And then there's the
crazy side project
stuff that makes me want to do an entire
show dedicated to weird stuff like this.
fucking hell!)