currently fighting my starbucks addiction

Mar 27, 2006 09:47

but i know i'm going to fail. it's only a matter of time before i grab my keys and drive across the street to get one.

i was going to stay home today - i felt like crap, and really - isn't that what sick days are for? but i recalled some importante meetings this afternoon, and as such i decided to haul my ass out of bed and get here. my little dog gave me the sweet moon eyes though this morning, saying 'please mommy, don't leave. i have many rooms to poop in, and without you home i can't achive my goals'. such sweet pillow talk he has.

this weekend was a good deal of fun. we saw some people on friday night that we don't get to see nearly enough of, most prominantly bluekitsune, back for break from tulane. because that is where she goes, even if she is currently exiled to houston. it was good to see her, and everyone else there. we ate at a very good place and then went to see v for vendetta.

i can't say enough good things about this movie.

i loved how it was unapologetic for the oddness of the title character, how they did such a good job of his deseperate grasping for normalcy in the face of such an obvious distraction. i loved the interaction with he and evey, loved the totalitarian nature of the bad guys. it's the type of movie that i'd actually pay ticket price to see, rather than most of the crap that comes out lately. and hollywood wonders why some weekends they're 'out' of their slump - because some weekends the choices don't TOTALLY blow.

saturday and sunday held much lazing around. i both needed and loved that. we had people over, and that's always nice - good friends = good company. i was sorry to see sunday night come to a close.

i can't wait for this vacation either. a week alone with my husband, doing nothing but things together and without distraction. right now, nothing else sounds better. i think i need a vacation icon :P

movies, vacation, weekend, packet, work

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