spn 7.14 [drive-by reaction post]

Feb 11, 2012 14:25

So, they actually did the unicorn shooting a rainbow out its ass. There are no further depths of ridiculousness to which this show can plumb.

I actually kind of expected to hate this episode because Dabb & Loflin, and maybe it's just because my expectations were lower than low, but I was really, really pleasantly surprised. It was... actually pretty awesome. Not perfect, but a lovely breath of fresh air and hope to break up all the ANGST and PAIN that has pervaded this season so far. They were laughing. They were happy, even if it's only fleeting, even if the shit's about to hit the fan all over again. And the brotherly teasing and Sam getting Dean a giant slinky and Dean getting Sam a toy clown and ugh too many feels.

Also, Sam's clownophobia. I feel you, Sam. I used to be terrified of clowns when I was a kid. Not so much anymore, but I can still objectively acknowledge that they are fucking creepy. Though I did think the clown from S2 was actually scarier than the ones used here.

And because it bears repeating: Unicorn. Shooting a rainbow. Out of its ass.

(However, as awesome as this episode was, it does not mean that D&L are absolved from the offensive bullshit that was Time for a Wedding. Just sayin'.)

I am SO SO EXCITE for next week's ep though. I don't want to say too much in case anyone is avoiding spoilers, but THAT PROMO :DDDDD

fandom: supernatural, episode review

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