Another lowish-man Odin (Well, men and women were present, I don't know what you'd call that)
20 people, and this one was a bit closer than I'd like but I know I was way off of my A-game and we lost a few DDs because I wasn't doing my best at all, but we did get a win and a nice drop pool.
Congratulations to:
Saevel on the Wyrmal Body
Shadowmeld on the Phantasmal Legs
Ciecle on the Hofud
Arcturuss on the Neptunal Head
Furionstormrage on the Earthen Body
I totally lotted a 989 on that thing, I guess I really wanted it, and as psyched as I am to get one, a part of me still wishes that everyone else who was lotting the Ebody had beaten my lot. I like gear and all, but the fun for me is in being able to play with some really awesome people.