Turning Around

Jun 11, 2009 15:30

We had some pretty bad luck the week before last.

Sky Gods netted us: EFeet, Byakkos Axe, MHands, Suzakus Scythe, DHands >.>
Luckily we did get 2 Seiryus Kote and a WHands, so it wasn't a complete bust, but seriously, that was probably the worst night of drops I've ever seen.

The night before that we did our second Tavnazia, and I don't think much could compare to our first (Valor body, Duelists Hat, Sorcerer's Hat, Hydra Haubert), I was right, we ended up with only some free-lot Glacier AF2, and due to both a bad pull on my part and some general laziness on a lot of peoples part, we weren't even able to hit the last Time Extension. Discouraging, but I guarantee we'll be more careful in there next time.

Einherjar was interesting, we were doing a T2 for our next Odin, and about halfway through the fairly easy draw 8 people Dc'ed. (That's right at 1/4 of the people we had in the zone, including our main BRD and several of our DDs). Suffice to say, we weren't able to clear it before timing out, but there's nothing you can do about that, we'll get it tonight.

Luckily, this week has been much better.

A group of us went to get Aroth a Soboro for his upcoming SAM, and at the end of the night we ended up with everyone that had any inclination of ever unlocking or leveling SAM having a Soboro, and I think almost everyone has a Clustered Tar to sell.

Omega netted us Legs and Feet, congratulations to Jaydog (Legs) and Leonidus (Feet).
I think Vedder is stealing our body drops >.>

We FINALLY got into Xarcabard this week, 10th week in a row that we've attempted and the first time that some small farming group didn't run up and enter before we were gathered. Unfortunately, it was storming really bad where I live, and Aroth and I lost power at the same time, during the first pull.

Af ter some communication with Erised via phone text messages, a drop list was procurred for them and they cleared all the NMs, Eye Wall, and farmed for the entire duration. No attempt was made at DL since we were lighter than normal on attendance, but that's fine, he's not going anywhere. Since i was wide awake, I spent the night reading a book with a flashlight, and Erised texting me every now and then to let me know how it was going.

I heard that someone accidentally DOTed an Avatar, which resulted in a mass-wipe/de-level, but other than that people reported that it went well for the small group we had in there.

Since I wasn't there, I might miss a drop or two, but what I know of is:

PLD Greatguardian
BLUx3 Ciecle, Erised, Mitsukai
BLM Fishfoe
COR Meia
WAR Sanjurio

Wednesday we did 2 Kirins and 3 Byakkos, which resulted in:

WLegs: Ankalym
Osode:x2  Aroth and Greatguardian
Pole x2: Free lot
Neptunal Hands: Leonidus and Furionstormrage
Aquarian Head: Ciecle and Furionstormrage (I was the last one on the list)
Byakko's Haidate: Fishfoe and Thunderhawk

Salvage has been going well also, although 35 Usukane Body is still a myth and I'm gonna kill someone if it doesn't drop for Rowanbael this week because he's planning on changing zones. (We've been making him stay in SSR to get his body since the update).

This week we managed to get Machas Slops for Eltreille, Enlils Crackows for Meia, Deimos Cuisses for Furionstormrage and Jaydog, and a few drops from the boss, mostly free-lot. He's holding onto the Are's Hands and Usukane Feet we need, only drops we now need from him, and only drops we haven't gotten in a long time.
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